@fallOut015 hmm, are you using any mods?
@themadkiller10 you know i should feel bad about that but this was before the steam port started taking up most of my attention for the rest of the year so i'll cut myself some slack on that one
links: web version - steam version -
new Cookie Clicker beta update! contains some tweaks and a few new achievements; this one is also playable on the Steam version's test branch (should be version 2.046). this should be the last beta before live release while the new game text gets translated! (soon I hope!)
looks a lot better than this morning! remaining issues may or may not be cache problems which should go away on their own. in any case i should be able to update a thing tomorrow
Cookie Clicker server tweaked and rebooted! try refreshing the game and let me know how it goes
hmm not very good at all! we're gonna investigate and tweak some stuff config-wise. on the bright side once this is fixed i have something nice lined up, thank you for your patience
@jackecompton seems you're on the http version, maybe your save is on the https one?
hey just out of curiosity haha. how's getting on the Cookie Clicker website worked out for you in the past few days
ah ☺️ it appears we are still having server issues ☺️ web development is the bane of my existence ☺️
folk horror? you mean cottagecore creepypasta?
i don't post very much about current events on here but rest assured i am absolutely boiling with inner rage at all times
hey! those of you who enjoyed playing Neverending Legacy, could you reply with what you liked most about it? in the event i get back to it later i'd like to have a clear idea of what can change and what's worth keeping
elden ring dlc final boss: your horse
new server fully rolled out! let us know if you’re getting any issues getting on our web games. in theory though if you used to have connection issues they should finally be fixed! very epic very swag
heya, our dashnet site and the games hosted on it (Cookie Clicker etc) may be down or chaotic for the next day or 2 while we transfer to a new server. once that’s over with our weird stability/downtime issues should largely be a thing of the past, thank you for your patience!
game where the main hub doesn't expand and gain more NPCs as you progress but instead gets more decrepit and empty. elden ring this is a tweet about elden ring
game devs don't give themselves enough runway when it comes to game series that up the ante with every release. if you're gonna be battling gods and cosmic horrors by the 6th sequel the 1st game should be about collecting rocks or being late for work
still depressed by the kind of thoughts this puts into my brain