text-based dark souls combat
elden ring should have a castlevania-style bestiary feature
another day another please don't use our art assets in your crypto/NFT projects
@Mossworm1 those big goofy midi trumpets were practically my childhood
@Mossworm1 god the music was so good too! if you haven't already PLEASE check out Bugdom by the same devs
just beat Tree Sentinel
if you want monster design that looks fresh and interesting you gotta give the job to someone who doesn't know the first thing about anatomy. "oh but if i exaggerate the scapulas it's gonna look so sick-" no. stop it. ideally you ask someone who's never seen a human being before
in elden ring when u stab one of the trumpet guys mid-blow they should go "tootweeeeee-pfrghglbfglrg" just a thought
i saw a nice cat also
for a long time i was skeptical of the twitter format (what the hell is microblogging?) but i get it now. i understand. sometimes you just wanna say you saw a cool dog
saw a cool dog today
play your dirty game dev tricks early on. have the player encounter a trapped chest or a secret door or a hidden item within the first hour and then scarcely ever again. keep them looking
just once again want to apologize for the stock market minigame in cookie clicker i was in a really dark place mentally when i made it
quick n handy link
new Cookie Clicker beta update! make sure to check out the new backgrounds i think they look nice
a neat detail in Elden Ring is how it prevents you from rolling off of cliffs if the fall would kill you go ahead try it
sometimes i go out of my way to make life a little bit more difficult for myself like i was wondering if you could make the word webinar even more awful? so i googled "webinette" and sure enough it's a thing (a shorter webinar). and just like that my world is a little worse
elden ring features this groundbreaking game design choice called "reverse-content treadmill" where nearly every weapon, spell or armor you find in the game is slightly worse than what you started with
minor addition
elden ring has that great open-world quality where you launch the game with a specific goal in mind and accomplish like 50 other unrelated things instead