why do cats sit by the window and stare longingly in the distance like they're waiting for their sailor husband to come home from a long voyage at sea
a lot more things need to have pulp in them
i love that cats have a dedicated sound for "target locked"
it's already happening in crypto spaces, and in the future this is what every AAA game may look like. companies like Ubisoft know this, and they do not care - they look forward to offloading labor law abuses onto their playerbase. this is unconscionable
Watched this guy spend $37,000 on a plot of land in Axie. Seemed suspicious for an account with 0 Twitch subs and 800 Twitter followers. Turns out their whole deal is running a sweatshop inside the game. https://t.co/3QedsWkNRn
play-to-earn games don't just completely miss the point of games by explicitly becoming jobs, they also incentivize a new, unregulated job market amounting to little more than digital sweatshops
the "bots and gold-selling detract from our player experience and must be prevented" to "bots and gold-selling are part of our core gameplay actually" pipeline
@ai_curio @ai_curio_bot oh tight
@ai_curio_bot: grandmapocalypse
[Time magazine 2065 issue headline] The Lost Art Of The Twitter Dunk
thanks to the internet i can internalize the entire world's misery in a manner of seconds but that's okay because it also functions as an ubercharged america's funniest home videos on tap 24/7. i believe this delicate equilibrium will come to define the 21st century
"you know NFTs are good and disruptive because all the big tech companies feel threatened by them and want to ban them" (big tech companies try to cash in on NFTs one by one) "okay it's actually great that big tech is getting into NFTs here's why"
@Mossworm1 budget is a prison
i'm an idiot. that's marriage. i'm a bona fide imbecile
(gamer having a bad breakup) *sniffling* relationships should have new game+
i used to be so sincerely hyped for self-driving cars now i just want more public transports funding
i think that was around the same time Elon Musk had that awful meltdown about the submarine and got visibly worse from there and we collectively realized oh maybe there's no miracle magic tech coming our way for a while. maybe we're on our own
this combined with the realization that rather than empowering people internationally outside of the banking system they mostly just coalesced into a big stupid speculation playground ie. Wall Street 2: Now Even Less Ethical Somehow
remembering some years back being optimistic about cryptocurrencies and how they could change the world then learning about their inefficiency by design and how it'd only get worse and nervously thinking ohhh... this isn't very good at all haha
@moawko me researching the cultural background of obscure pastries i've never heard of so i can produce a 24x24 icon and like 2 lines of flavor text
i love when i "make a mental note" of something. it's gone within 20 seconds