12 months ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Did you set the framerate cap? What fps do you see in the game itself?

ezl said: on 5 speed i can get about 3 years before it crashes in game probably about 2-4 mins(ish)
Does it last longer at, say, speed 4?  
12 months ago - AndrewT - Direct link
ezl said: you mentioned the processor and after limiting the affinity to 0-15, game hasn't crashed since :) will i have to change that in task manager each time to run the game or do you know if there is a way for it to be remembered?
Yes, I missed that in your dxdiag - the model of CPU you have triggers this issue. Sorry!

I believe if you set the desired affinity for steam.exe , all processes run from it inherit that setting. That should not bother any game, 16 CPUs are more than enough!