over 2 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Etshy said: I have a GoXlr mini and I put all my game on the "Game" audio channel.
I'm not familiar with this functionality or device I'm afraid. I rather suspect it is not in the test suite that QA use for our games either!

Have you contacted its supplier?  
over 2 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
So far as I know all our games use the Windows default sound device, and have no option to select otherwise. Do you find this with say CK2 and HOI4 also?  
over 2 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Etshy said: I don't have neither CK2 or HOI4 (Heart Of Iron 4 I guess).
You have badges for them under your name here ... ?  
over 2 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
That's odd, because the underlying Clausewitz game engine is pretty similar between CK2 and HOI4, whereas with CK3 it is greatly changed and updated. Really not sure what to make of that!

In any case I don't think this is something you or I can fix here. If you wish to pursue it please make new threads in the Bug Reports forums for those two games, with all the above info included.

Given the limited impact of the issue I'm not sure what level of priority it will get, but at least it will have been brought to QA's attention!