
Dauntless Dev Tracker

09 Nov

08 Nov


Originally posted by SOSpammy

In-Game Name: FosterClown2481

β–ͺ Type of Bug: Game Crashing at launch

β–ͺ Normal Behavior: Game starts

β–ͺ Actual Behavior: Game shows logo screen and immediately crashes to dashboard. I am given no details about why it does this. It just goes back to the dashboard as if nothing happened.

β–ͺ System Specs: Xbox Series X

β–ͺ Geographic Location: US East Coast

β–ͺ Reproduction Rate: 10/10

β–ͺ Reproduction Steps: Not sure how to reproduce it. It only happens on my Xbox. It does not happen on my PS5 or PC. When I go online I see other people playing on Xbox, so it must just be me this is happening to.

β–ͺ Extra Details: I tried reinstalling the game twice and deleting the local save data. Neither fixed the issue. I also tried different Xbox profiles, and it crashes on all of them too. No other game on my Xbox has this issue.

EDIT: I fixed it. I had to put the system into energy saving mode and restart it.

Just wanted to stop and say thanks for editing in the fix, you're awesome!


Originally posted by Zealous_Idealy

As of the reset for 11/3/2022, I have lost press for Week 1 and Week 3. Both the Harvester challenges have lost progress. Week 1, Week 3 issue link pictures below.

β–ͺ In-Game Name: Hellmancer / Hellsion

β–ͺ Type of Bug: Weekly Challenges

β–ͺ Google Drive Link(s): Attached β–ͺ In-Game Name: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BvLQBEFa7CxHvsasl29l6HPL6fP-KHJH?usp=share\_link

β–ͺ Normal Behavior: Progress should not have been lost as the challenge was completed

β–ͺ Actual Behavior: What actually happened? Progress lost

β–ͺ System Specs: Internet speed, Operating System, CPU, GPU, (or Console). PC and Console (PS5)

β–ͺ Geographic Location: Colorado, US

β–ͺ Session ID: (Optional) N/A

β–ͺ Reproduction Rate: 1/10: every time

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Thanks for the report. We're aware of this but it's a purely visual issue so low priority at the moment. Those that completed it have already gotten the rewards which will not be removed. This shouldn't have an impact on your ability to complete any other challenges.

07 Nov

04 Nov


Thanks everyone for all your amazing #DauntlessCosplay entries!

Cosplay Contest Winners 2022

We loved the costumes so much, we wound up picking 4 winners instead of just 3.

Winners will be contacted on the platform they entered from & awarded with a Dark Harvest Prize Pack each! 🎁

External link β†’

03 Nov


Commission passes expire no matter what at the time given, even when upgraded with platinum.

Others purchased with platinum do not.

02 Nov

01 Nov