@Spaggie @bohemiainteract working on it
Awww 🥰 A player come by our office Yesterday to deliver a letter of appreciation. The team is truly touched 💛💚 Something about a written letter that feels extra special - Amazing community! 🤗🤩 THANKS Dikkie @bohemiainteract @Arma3official
Today's streamer support Check out MonBonTTV
@MonBonTTV Pop in and say heyyy 🙋♂️
Back online with no IP change 👍 Thanks for the wait 💙 DayZ NL 3663834 DayZ NL 3663873 DayZ NL 3663912 DayZ NL 3663951
Hello survivors 🔨🧰(PC) We are changing some server IP's which should take 1 hour of downtime at 11:30 (CEST) (10 mins) List of old IP's are below:👇👇👇
New IP's will be announced shortly after in same order
Thank you 💪
@DozingChopper @M1NDR @TopeREC @wycked29 Ping us when ready
Community server owners are now advised to update and restart servers 🔨🧰(PC)
Hello Survivors 🔨🧰(PC) We are releasing a security update for all PC servers at 15:00 (CEST) should take 1 hour
Community server owners are advised to restart servers after update
Thank you for your patience and support ❤
@lukeproclass we hope you a speedy recovery
@tyler65808232 @StormcloudGamer Development on the 1.09 is in progress, We will release dates closer to the time of completion <3
Credit to @StormcloudGamer 💛 For new players who need some tips on finding food, Check out other videos on his channel for further helpful guides Can't wait for some new content 👍 big love from us
I finally finished this guide after 3 days of editing. Any followers that I have who are new to @DayZ this video should help you become an obese beast. How To Find Food Fast On DayZ. https://t.co/RKQtAG8sKM
@Neolfc @bohemiainteract
@LegunTomasz Im happy to respond to most things, But when you fire allegations without evidence or support, its hard to even step down for rational conversation. Cheating is not tolerated and banning is always in progress. We adapt to the hacks. I recommend you to send detailed info via DM
@DOTD2020 Done - 😋
🎼 For those asking for the Audio track behind the DayZ 1.08 teaser video. Here is a link:
Show your love 💛🎶
@EnterThePug @Topherjack87 @Tiglat6 @CLAYINK I will forward to the team. Thanks for the suggestion 😅👍
@Topherjack87 @Tiglat6 @CLAYINK
@Tiglat6 @CLAYINK Hey Tiglat, you already asked this question on a statement about the issues that could be causing various problems with FPS, crashes, desync's, and so on. Once the servers have been fixed (Resolution to DDoS) it will be easier to understand any remaining concerns Thanks