@AriesArked @_simonvic_ Hey Aries, unfortunately, cross-play is currently not planned.
@Alotesnivek Not with 1.08 but we are working on something.
@hellsung0 Thank you for the report. We'll check it out!
@XPBattlefield @_simonvic_ Will run a small poll around the office today to get you that answer ;)
Steal or not?
📷 @_simonvic_
@shockzzFPS @Gillz___ Silence, junior! 🤫
@___Alchemist_x @Jontendo88 We are fixing some of the bugs related to this. The issue will not be completely removed in 1.08 but the changes should help us pave way for a permanent fix in the future updates.
@Eztherttt And you'll get it. As soon as we're done testing it, deal?
@sexe_mon Oh yeah! John Murphy🤯👌
@Jontendo88 Hello Jontendo. It's very much on topic. We are currently testing update 1.08. You can check all the changes and fixes we are doing here:
Once we are done with 1.08, we are moving to 1.09 which should introduce another bunch of bug fixes and improvements.
@Lilianlcas The cat's pout of the bag at this point. It's the Sporter 22. Not the highest caliber but relatively silent, precise and fast.
@TheMaximumBen Can't wait! :)
@Aithxr It is our intention to limit and eventually permanently fix these issues.
@TheMaximumBen Keep it up! You have our full support, Ben 🤜🤛
@Felix29150887 Hello there, PS4 players will receive the fully tested update together with PC and Xbox. Xbox experimental will allow us to test the update 1.08 on console and ensure the highest possible quality even for PS4 players.
@luke_rawlings @AsmondianA Server wipe is currently not planned.
@JjOsburn Hello, can you please send us a DM with additional information? In order to help you, we need to know what region you are playing in and what is the system message you receive when trying to enter Xbox Experimental. Thank you :)
@AmishZed @DayZExpansion
🎶If you're looking for a fitting soundtrack for #DayZ, check out the new 'Untuned' album by Nick Fox. His music was used in the DayZ menu and we absolutely love it! ♥️