@goldwingltd85 @DayZExpansion We are currently working on the update 1.08 that will introduce bug fixes, improvements and content to DayZ. Once that is done, work on 1.09 starts.
Congratulations to the entire @DayZExpansion team! You guys are awesome 🤜🤛
We're going to keep this short and sweet, we have finally released DayZ Expansion! If you want to read a more in-depth message, please join our Discord - https://t.co/ssKMH9S2vp - If you would like to download the mod, please go to https://t.co/GMKYccPkwS - Thank you all <3
@ItzMikeDocherty: @DayZ #MyDayZ
@TonyBadia @NoSecondChance9 Awesome to hear! Make sure to let No Second Chances know ;)
@BurkinR6 @skywalker77er We are currently working on something that should give the console modding community more creative freedom in the near future.
@skywalker77er That's right, we give a sh*t. We are working constantly working on bug fixes and improvements to the game. The next batch of improvements is on its way with the update 1.08.
@___Alchemist_x Thanks for your feedback! We are aware of these issues and will be addressing them in the upcoming updates. As far as base building goes, we have already made changes that should be visible in 1.08.
@krookcats @TheH0logram @HumbleAtomicBoh Note from any official source. We suspect this is where he pulled the information from: 🍑
@SamsungSidney Hey Sidney. DayZ is a hardcore survival game. You will have to learn how to get food or clean water or where to get reliable weapons or build a shelter. The game was designed not to be easy.
@RheadBeardmore We are currently testing 1.08 and will be releasing it soon. Despite the current world situation, we intend to deliver what was promised in the 2020 roadmap.
Here's a handy guide for the #DayZ newcomers from a starting YouTube channel 🗺️ No Second Chances will focus on making cinematic videos and sharing useful hints & tips. He's also a nice guy :) Go check his channel out! Let us know if YOU have a channel you'd like highlighted!
https://t.co/GpiZtlQAEy here's a handy beginner's guide to DayZ. Hopefully you find it handy with full demonstrations of each task. @DayZ #dayz #dayzsurvivalguide #dayzps4tips #dayztips #dayzps4 #dayzlife #dayzhints #dayzlife #nosecondchances #dayzchernaurus #Livonia #DayZero https://t.co/qvoGjYO7Aa
📷 @SebastianCan
@pimpinP8 The PS4 community is very important to us and is definitely not ignored.
@BlueBerryVids ♥️
@DonSibleyGames @YouTube Can't wait for the 100k announcement ♥️
@bohemiainteract: Behind-the-scenes we're working hard on our Enfusion technology, but that doesn't prevent us from also supporting our…
@Eoghan39423292 Working on it!
@FrobThekaizer Noted.
@GenericAnalyst Nice Instagram account you got there....