The Stable servers are coming back online with a new Stable patch, bringing over yesterdays tweaks from the Experimental branch! Read the updated patchnotes here: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/246107-stable-update-105/?do=findComment&comment=2447254
📸 @GenericAnalyst
Today's PC maintenance will be prolonged to bring yesterday's Experimental update to the Stable branch. More information will follow. :)
We moved 20 PS4 servers (8 EU, 12 US) to a new machine. Your characters, in-game stashes and bases should not be affected. Please read here to see if your server is on the list and what this means for you.
Please be advised, the Stable branch servers will be down due to maintenance every Wednesday from 8 am to 11 am (CEST).
Today we will move 12 PS4 servers to a new machine. Your characters, in-game stashes and bases should not be affected. Please read here to see if your server is on the list and what this means for you.
Only the dead have seen the end of war.
– Plato
📷 @ThatTwitchLad
The Experimental servers are coming back online with some tweaks and fixes for the 1.05 update. Read here for the updated patch notes:
The Experimental servers are going offline for some tweaks on the 1.05 update. We'll be back as soon as possible with more information.
The weather in Livonia is wild.
Twitchcon is over, but EGX is just 3 weeks away!
@Twitchcon Is over, but @EGX is just 3 weeks away.
@clips_ed They cost more, but ok.
@TwistedLimited 14 out of 60, but map is too big
And this guy too.
@iiBustt Both ghosts.
We've seen both of them.