It looks like the persistence issue on LA 4425 is resolved, but we are still looking into persistence issues on DE 9314. For the time being, NL 9314 has been reactivated.
@DePanjaman You can write private bug reports, that only our team can see.
@Baspeters2 Can you please send a report to our Feedback Tracker at on this issue, with location of your camp?
@DePanjaman So your stashes from NL 9314 are gone on DE 9314? Can you please send a report to our Feedback Tracker at on this issue, with location of your camp?
Once those 2 servers are back online, please notify us if any of your persistent bases/stashes etc have been wiped.
We have resolved an issue in the server transfer and will have another test with the servers LA 4425 (formerly SJ, PS4) and DE 9314 (formerly NL, Xbox). The servers will be offline for around 1 hour and then come back online under the new IP/name.
As we are investigating this issue further, we will restart the previous servers (see here which servers are affected: ) and lock the current ones with a password. We apologize for the inconvenience.
@DnielBords1 Do you mean DE 9263?
@HunterTheta52 As a result from yesterday's changes, NL 9161 is now renamed to DE 9161.
As a consequence of yesterdays server shift, we received reports of base losses on LA 4308 and DE 9314. We will now restart those servers with their previous persistence files to monitor what's causing the issue.
@davejolly2 When did that happen to you, on what server were you playing and did you lose your base as well?
@DoshaSwift @DePanjaman On what server were you playing and what persistent item was missing?
@BarelyCrafty 😉
We have just deployed a small update for the age certificates in preparation for our release of the physical copies. No changes to the game have been made.
Please be advised, the Stable branch servers will be down due to maintenance every Wednesday 8:00 - 11:00 (CET).
📷 BarelyCrafty
@Elliot46946897 The DayZ launcher is now the default option when you start DayZ.
@WatershedGaming We are aware that the base building might need some work and we will be looking into it. Enjoy the new update!
@AnarchyIHDI Enjoy :)