Original Post — Direct link

Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50679

This week at Bungie, we revamp Trials of Osiris. 

Seven years of Destiny. Seven years of Space Magic. Seven years of friendships we’ve made along the way. It’s still hard to comprehend how much time has passed and how much has happened since we took our first steps as Guardians. Want to take a trip down memory lane? We’ve whipped up a short and sweet article to talk about early inspirations for the Destiny universe, and a fun story from the Destiny 1 reveal. 

Destiny 7th Anniversary

Image Link


Thank you. No, really. Without you, none of this would have been possible. We’ve come so far, and we have so far yet to go. We’ve just set off on a fresh journey to discover more about Savathûn, the Awoken, and more. Who knows what the future holds? Well, if you’ve watched our reveal of The Witch Queen... you know a little. 

Trials of Osiris Returns 

Turning to the live game, tomorrow marks the return of Trials of Osiris. While we’ve already discussed upcoming changes, we’d like to have a quick refresher before the main event. Trials of Osiris goes live at 10:00 AM PT on September 10, 2021. If you’re reading this TWAB right as soon as it’s published... that’s tomorrow. 

For those who may have never played Trials before, this is our endgame offering for PvP, featuring high-stakes elimination matches leading to loot. High-stat armor, exclusive weapons, and some cosmetics for those who can finish seven games in a row without losing. If you’re able to go flawless, Adept rewards await you at the Lighthouse. 

We’ve made some changes to the formula in hopes of making Trials more accessible to a wider audience and more rewarding than it’s ever been. 

Trials of Osiris – The Revamp Begins 

The short and sweet summary: We’ve overhauled the loot structure of Trials to grant more rewards, even if you’re not winning full matches. Trials Reputation has been added, which will unlock Trials engrams and other rewards on Saint-14 through a given Season.  We have a few ruleset changes, such as resetting ammo and reducing rounds to 90 seconds, but nothing too major there. In a few weeks, we’ll also be introducing Trials Labs, testing out deeper changes to the mode to see what plays best! As a final note, Trials access now requires purchase of the current yearly expansion to aid in our game security efforts. Check here if you haven’t seen the updates to our Security Policy!  

This Season, Trials brings a new Legendary Linear Fusion Rifle to the loot table of Destiny. Introducing Reed’s Regret, packing some Stasis damage and the ability to roll some fun perk combinations, like Triple Tap and Vorpal Weapon. Paired with the Particle Deconstruction Artifact Mod, this is a weapon that you won’t want to miss. 

Saint-14 has refreshed his vendor inventory, giving Guardians the ability to target additional rolls on loot that they’ve previously acquired. This can be comparable to Focusing engrams at the Umbral Decoder in the H.E.L.M. Get out there, earn some engrams, and have at it. 

Patch notes as follows: 

  • Trials reputation internal systems has been rebuilt, aligning with that of other ritual reputations. 

    • Reputation gain per match is scaled by the number of round wins on a ticket. 
  • Trials passages are now account scoped (purchasing the same ticket on an alternate character will not reset ticket wins). 

    • Passage of Ferocity is now available from the start. 
    • Passage of Wisdom is no longer available. 
    • Passage of Wealth now requires seven wins. 
    • Unlocking a passage now unlocks it for the rest of the Season. 
  • Replaced the weekly three-, five-, seven-win challenges with a win rounds challenge. 

    • A new seven-win challenge is available on Saint-14. 
    • Removed weekly bounties. 
  • Made changes to rulesets: 

    • Trials of Osiris round time reduced to 90 seconds. 
    • Trials of Osiris -- Each round start with fresh special ammo. 
  • Cross Play must be enabled to participate in Trials of Osiris. 

  • Added Third Person Camera Restricted tooltip and load screen hint to Trials, Elimination, and Showdown. 

  • Trials of Osiris now requires purchase of the current yearly expansion. 

    • Currently, Beyond Light is required to play. 
    • Starting on February 22 2022, The Witch Queen will be required. 

Good luck to all on the hunt for loot. Good luck to all on the march towards the Lighthouse. Good luck to all who are just showing up to help a friend out. Who knows, maybe you’ll fall in love with this Elimination mode like many have in the past. See you on the battlefield. 

BattlEye Soft Launch Update 

At the start of Season of the Lost, we announced the soft launch of BattlEye anti-cheat in Destiny 2. Throughout the soft launch, we’ve been iterating and improving our ability to detect various cheats that have negative impacts to competitive experiences within the Crucible, as well as other cheats used to get a leg up in PvE activities. While we’re still deep into our soft launch window, we wanted to share a short progress update with you. 

We’ve been able to detect and remove numerous players attempting to circumvent our cheat detections while building upon the fresh foundation that BattlEye has provided us. While we don’t have any specific numbers to share, we did want to note that our soft launch is going well! Well enough in fact that we’re going to begin rolling out automatic bans for a variety of cheats, just in time for the first Trials of Osiris weekend. While we're excited for this development, there is no silver bullet in the ongoing efforts against cheating. The team will remain vigilant, continuing to improve our detections and investigate reports.  

If you encounter any potential cheater within Destiny 2, please use in-game report tools or our contact form on Bungie.net. Any additional information that you can provide is always greatly appreciated by our teams. If you’d like to learn more about our integration of BattlEye anti-cheat software, feel free to check out our Support Article

Patchy the Pirate

Image Link


Y'ar. Ye be seeking early patch notes? Look no farther! ...okay, sorry. No funny business here. Player Support has some fresh details on upcoming maintenance, a list of bugs to be fixed, and more! 

This is their report. 


On Thursday, September 16, Destiny 2 is scheduled to undergo maintenance in preparation for Destiny 2 Hotfix Below is a timeline of events. Please note that times may be subject to change during this maintenance period:     

  • 9AM PDT (1600 UTC): Maintenance begins.        
  • 9:45 AM PDT (1645 UTC): Players are removed from activities. Destiny 2 is brought offline.      
  • 10 AM PDT (1700 UTC): Hotfix will be available across all platforms and regions. Players will be able to log back into Destiny 2.      
  • 11 AM PDT (1800 UTC): Destiny 2 maintenance is expected to conclude.      

Below are some issues that are expected to be resolved. A complete list will be shared when the Hotfix goes live.  

  • The barriers around the Scorch Cannons in the Fallen Walker public event will no longer repel players.  
  • Players will no longer get stuck in the Broodhold strike or Wolfship Turbine lost sector.  
  • The Warlock's Nova Warp will Blink if Hold Sprint is active.  
  • Strike Streaks will no longer be broken.  
  • The Danger Zone perk now correctly grants more blast radius on Rocket Launchers. 
  • The Sweet Spotter Triumph now correctly progresses when killing Vex Wyverns with precision damage.  
  • The Dawn Chorus Exotic Warlock helmet correctly extends burn damage on enemies.  

For more information, players should visit our Destiny Server and Update Status help article.  


On Thursday, September 23, extended downtime for Destiny 2 is scheduled in preparation for Destiny 2 Hotfix Players will be removed from activities at 5:00 AM (1200 UTC) and be unable to log in until 10 AM (1700 UTC). Please note that times may be subject to change during this maintenance period.


While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum.   

  • We are investigating an increase in error code POTATO on PC. Players who have non-English characters as part of their installation folder name may be able to resolve this issue by replacing those characters with English characters.  
  • The Proving Grounds strike icon doesn't appear on Nessus until players complete the Legacy: Challenger's Proving VII quest.  
  • The Tether Time Nightfall triumph cannot be completed due to Lake of Shadows boss not tethering.  
  • Settings for voice chat persist between Steam to consoles. Players must log into Steam to turn Voice chat to On or reset their audio to default options.  

For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.  


Image Link


In the war against Darkness, endurance is required. Each day is a fight. Sometimes it’s close to home in the Cosmodrome of Old Russia. Other times we’re off-planet, exploring unknown destinations like the Dreaming City, filled with twists and turns around every corner. It’s good to take a moment to breathe. To remember what we’re fighting for. To share friendships, have a laugh, and cool down. This week, we’re all about that. Put on your cat ears and check out some fun movies. 

Movie of the Week: NYAH 

Movie of the Week: I Need a Cleanse 

Movie of the Week: Explosive Payload? On a Sniper?

Video Link

If you’d like a shot at Movie of the Week, make sure to tag your content with #MOTW, whether it be in the title or description. Once you have it uploaded, throw it towards the Community Creations page on Bungie.net!  

Drawing Board 

Image Link

Each artist that we see in the Destiny community brings a piece of themselves to the table through their work. You can see it when they share their pieces, and you can nearly feel it coming off the virtual page.  

Art of the Week: https://twitter.com/NSlacka/status/1434826661871063043?s=20  

Witch Queen#Destiny2 pic.twitter.com/AHbOqL2JW5

— Naka_da_Slacka (@NSlacka) September 6, 2021

Art of the Week: https://twitter.com/Sennomino/status/1434529728451465219?s=20  

my entry for @cfanprojects Destiny 2022 calendar 🙃#Destiny2Art pic.twitter.com/I8s03FAri4

— Линэ Виспер | Sennoma (@Sennomino) September 5, 2021

Cheers to the selections this week. We’ll be in touch, as we have a fun artist emblem for you to wear in-game. If you’d like to submit your art for future TWABs, please throw a tag on it. #DestinyArt and #Destiny2Art make it easier for your content to be shared far and wide!  

On a personal note... 

This will be my last TWAB for a while. In just a few days, I’ll be tying the knot, so to speak. A wonderful Titan entered my life a few years ago. Last year, they asked me a question I will never forget. After so many months of planning and preparation, we’ve nearly reached our wedding date. It’s been a long time coming, but thankfully the countless releases, Seasons, patches, and hotfixes have kept us busy. To say I’m excited would be an understatement. 

Editor’s note: Awwww 

After the ceremony, we’ll be taking some time off to relax (and slay some raid bosses... and maybe even a Trials card or two), but don’t worry. Cozmo will be at the helm for all things Community and DPS will be on tap to assist every Guardian in need of technical assistance. Keep things lively for them, will you? 

Thanks for being an awesome community. I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t miss you. It’s going to be hard not to check in from time to time. In any case, I’ll see you again in October, just in time for the Festival of the Lost. 

Much love, and see you again soon. 



External link →
over 3 years ago - A_dmg04 - Direct link
This week at Bungie, we revamp Trials of Osiris. 

Seven years of Destiny. Seven years of Space Magic. Seven years of friendships we’ve made along the way. It’s still hard to comprehend how much time has passed and how much has happened since we took our first steps as Guardians. Want to take a trip down memory lane? We’ve whipped up a short and sweet article to talk about early inspirations for the Destiny universe, and a fun story from the Destiny 1 reveal. 

Destiny 7th Anniversary

Thank you. No, really. Without you, none of this would have been possible. We’ve come so far, and we have so far yet to go. We’ve just set off on a fresh journey to discover more about Savathûn, the Awoken, and more. Who knows what the future holds? Well, if you’ve watched our reveal of The Witch Queen... you know a little. 

Trials of Osiris Returns 

Turning to the live game, tomorrow marks the return of Trials of Osiris. While we’ve already discussed upcoming changes, we’d like to have a quick refresher before the main event. Trials of Osiris goes live at 10:00 AM PT on September 10, 2021. If you’re reading this TWAB right as soon as it’s published... that’s tomorrow. 

For those who may have never played Trials before, this is our endgame offering for PvP, featuring high-stakes elimination matches leading to loot. High-stat armor, exclusive weapons, and some cosmetics for those who can finish seven games in a row without losing. If you’re able to go flawless, Adept rewards await you at the Lighthouse. 
We’ve made some changes to the formula in hopes of making Trials more accessible to a wider audience and more rewarding than it’s ever been. 

Trials of Osiris – The Revamp Begins 

The short and sweet summary: We’ve overhauled the loot structure of Trials to grant more rewards, even if you’re not winning full matches. Trials Reputation has been added, which will unlock Trials engrams and other rewards on Saint-14 through a given Season.  We have a few ruleset changes, such as resetting ammo and reducing rounds to 90 seconds, but nothing too major there. In a few weeks, we’ll also be introducing Trials Labs, testing out deeper changes to the mode to see what plays best! As a final note, Trials access now requires purchase of the current yearly expansion to aid in our game security efforts. Check here if you haven’t seen the updates to our Security Policy!  

This Season, Trials brings a new Legendary Linear Fusion Rifle to the loot table of Destiny. Introducing Reed’s Regret, packing some Stasis damage and the ability to roll some fun perk combinations, like Triple Tap and Vorpal Weapon. Paired with the Particle Deconstruction Artifact Mod, this is a weapon that you won’t want to miss. 

Saint-14 has refreshed his vendor inventory, giving Guardians the ability to target additional rolls on loot that they’ve previously acquired. This can be comparable to Focusing engrams at the Umbral Decoder in the H.E.L.M. Get out there, earn some engrams, and have at it. 
Patch notes as follows: 
  • Trials reputation internal systems has been rebuilt, aligning with that of other ritual reputations. 
      • Reputation gain per match is scaled by the number of round wins on a ticket. 
  • Trials passages are now account scoped (purchasing the same ticket on an alternate character will not reset ticket wins). 
      • Passage of Ferocity is now available from the start. 
      • Passage of Wisdom is no longer available. 
      • Passage of Wealth now requires seven wins. 
      • Unlocking a passage now unlocks it for the rest of the Season. 
  • Replaced the weekly three-, five-, seven-win challenges with a win rounds challenge. 
      • A new seven-win challenge is available on Saint-14. 
      • Removed weekly bounties. 
  • Made changes to rulesets: 
      • Trials of Osiris round time reduced to 90 seconds. 
      • Trials of Osiris -- Each round start with fresh special ammo. 
  • Cross Play must be enabled to participate in Trials of Osiris. 
  • Added Third Person Camera Restricted tooltip and load screen hint to Trials, Elimination, and Showdown. 
  • Trials of Osiris now requires purchase of the current yearly expansion. 
      • Currently, Beyond Light is required to play. 
      • Starting on February 22 2022, The Witch Queen will be required. 

Good luck to all on the hunt for loot. Good luck to all on the march towards the Lighthouse. Good luck to all who are just showing up to help a friend out. Who knows, maybe you’ll fall in love with this Elimination mode like many have in the past. See you on the battlefield. 

BattlEye Soft Launch Update 

At the start of Season of the Lost, we announced the soft launch of BattlEye anti-cheat in Destiny 2. Throughout the soft launch, we’ve been iterating and improving our ability to detect various cheats that have negative impacts to competitive experiences within the Crucible, as well as other cheats used to get a leg up in PvE activities. While we’re still deep into our soft launch window, we wanted to share a short progress update with you. 

We’ve been able to detect and remove numerous players attempting to circumvent our cheat detections while building upon the fresh foundation that BattlEye has provided us. While we don’t have any specific numbers to share, we did want to note that our soft launch is going well! Well enough in fact that we’re going to begin rolling out automatic bans for a variety of cheats, just in time for the first Trials of Osiris weekend. While we're excited for this development, there is no silver bullet in the ongoing efforts against cheating. The team will remain vigilant, continuing to improve our detections and investigate reports.  

If you encounter any potential cheater within Destiny 2, please use in-game report tools or our contact form on Bungie.net. Any additional information that you can provide is always greatly appreciated by our teams. If you’d like to learn more about our integration of BattlEye anti-cheat software, feel free to check out our Support Article

Patchy the Pirate

Y'ar. Ye be seeking early patch notes? Look no farther! ...okay, sorry. No funny business here. Player Support has some fresh details on upcoming maintenance, a list of bugs to be fixed, and more! 
This is their report. 
On Thursday, September 16, Destiny 2 is scheduled to undergo maintenance in preparation for Destiny 2 Hotfix Below is a timeline of events. Please note that times may be subject to change during this maintenance period:     
    • 9AM PDT (1600 UTC): Maintenance begins.        
    • 9:45 AM PDT (1645 UTC): Players are removed from activities. Destiny 2 is brought offline.      
    • 10 AM PDT (1700 UTC): Hotfix will be available across all platforms and regions. Players will be able to log back into Destiny 2.      
    • 11 AM PDT (1800 UTC): Destiny 2 maintenance is expected to conclude.      

Below are some issues that are expected to be resolved. A complete list will be shared when the Hotfix goes live.  
    • The barriers around the Scorch Cannons in the Fallen Walker public event will no longer repel players.  
    • Players will no longer get stuck in the Broodhold strike or Wolfship Turbine lost sector.  
    • The Warlock's Nova Warp will Blink if Hold Sprint is active.  
    • Strike Streaks will no longer be broken.  
    • The Danger Zone perk now correctly grants more blast radius on Rocket Launchers. 
    • The Sweet Spotter Triumph now correctly progresses when killing Vex Wyverns with precision damage.  
    • The Dawn Chorus Exotic Warlock helmet correctly extends burn damage on enemies.  

For more information, players should visit our Destiny Server and Update Status help article.  
On Thursday, September 23, extended downtime for Destiny 2 is scheduled in preparation for Destiny 2 Hotfix Players will be removed from activities at 5:00 AM (1200 UTC) and be unable to log in until 10 AM (1700 UTC). Please note that times may be subject to change during this maintenance period.
While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum.   
    • We are investigating an increase in error code POTATO on PC. Players who have non-English characters as part of their installation folder name may be able to resolve this issue by replacing those characters with English characters.  
    • The Proving Grounds strike icon doesn't appear on Nessus until players complete the Legacy: Challenger's Proving VII quest.  
    • The Tether Time Nightfall triumph cannot be completed due to Lake of Shadows boss not tethering.  
    • Settings for voice chat persist between Steam to consoles. Players must log into Steam to turn Voice chat to On or reset their audio to default options.  

For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.  



In the war against Darkness, endurance is required. Each day is a fight. Sometimes it’s close to home in the Cosmodrome of Old Russia. Other times we’re off-planet, exploring unknown destinations like the Dreaming City, filled with twists and turns around every corner. It’s good to take a moment to breathe. To remember what we’re fighting for. To share friendships, have a laugh, and cool down. This week, we’re all about that. Put on your cat ears and check out some fun movies. 
Movie of the Week: NYAH 

Movie of the Week: I Need a Cleanse 

Movie of the Week: Explosive Payload? On a Sniper?

If you’d like a shot at Movie of the Week, make sure to tag your content with #MOTW, whether it be in the title or description. Once you have it uploaded, throw it towards the Community Creations page on Bungie.net!  

Drawing Board 


Each artist that we see in the Destiny community brings a piece of themselves to the table through their work. You can see it when they share their pieces, and you can nearly feel it coming off the virtual page.     Art of the Week: https://twitter.com/NSlacka/status/1434826661871063043?s=20  
Art of the Week: https://twitter.com/Sennomino/status/1434529728451465219?s=20  
Cheers to the selections this week. We’ll be in touch, as we have a fun artist emblem for you to wear in-game. If you’d like to submit your art for future TWABs, please throw a tag on it. #DestinyArt and #Destiny2Art make it easier for your content to be shared far and wide!  

On a personal note... 

This will be my last TWAB for a while. In just a few days, I’ll be tying the knot, so to speak. A wonderful Titan entered my life a few years ago. Last year, they asked me a question I will never forget. After so many months of planning and preparation, we’ve nearly reached our wedding date. It’s been a long time coming, but thankfully the countless releases, Seasons, patches, and hotfixes have kept us busy. To say I’m excited would be an understatement. 

Editor’s note: Awwww 
After the ceremony, we’ll be taking some time off to relax (and slay some raid bosses... and maybe even a Trials card or two), but don’t worry. Cozmo will be at the helm for all things Community and DPS will be on tap to assist every Guardian in need of technical assistance. Keep things lively for them, will you? 
Thanks for being an awesome community. I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t miss you. It’s going to be hard not to check in from time to time. In any case, I’ll see you again in October, just in time for the Festival of the Lost. 
Much love, and see you again soon. 
Cheers,  dmg04 
over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by PotatoesForPutin

Still nothing about Explosive Light being just a god awful perk that has the same damage increase as vorpal? Is that intended? If so, why?

Team is aware of the feedback. If any changes are made, we'll be sure to let you know asap!

over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Seeing some replies confused about Cross Play + Trials. Here's a quick explanation:

Goal: Prevent players from going for an "easy" flawless card by restricting their matchmaking pool. There are a variety of scenarios that can come up (coordinating matchups for win exchanges on platforms with lower population, knowingly going into a small pool of players that you "know" you can beat, etc) - and we'd like to get ahead of that.
Execution: Cross Play is required to be enabled. PC matches PC. Consoles match Console. Stadia is mixed with Console. You'll only be matched against PC if there is a PC player in your fireteam.

over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by jmasliah

"Strike Streaks will no longer be broken. "


Team's digging on the issues. We think we hit many of the scenarios in which this could happen, but we'll be keeping an eye out after the patch to make sure everything's good.

If you hit any weird instances where strike streaks are broken after the patch ships, let us know what happened with as much detail as you can!

over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by ChromeFluxx

That's so crazy /u/dmg04 Congrats on the wedding! So cool how the date coincides with /u/NorseFenrir 's Birthday as well! Congrats to the both of you!

We all know that /u/NorseFenrir 's birthday is the more important of the two!