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Not too long ago, my buddy and I cross saved our D2 accounts with Google Stadia. Unfortunately, this caused us to become unable to sign on to D1. We constantly received tapir errors upon log in. Now, we are able to sign back in, but neither of us have access to any apps that use the API. Ishtar Legacy, DTR, and Raid Report treat our characters like they don’t exist.

I know Cozmo commented on a post regarding the Tapir errors, but I was wondering if anyone knows if Bungie is aware of the API issues. I couldn’t find any posts where Bungie commented on the topic. If anyone has any info from Bungie or potential fixes, it would be greatly appreciated.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Exodus_R

Well look into this. Thanks.

about 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Greetings! Yes, unfortunately we have encountered issues with the D1 API with Stadia.

We're tracking it here if you would like to watch this Issue in Github! Over there, you can follow on the progress and know when the fix makes it out there. We ran into additional difficulties that are delaying the fix (the fix itself caused a different and more serious bug that has delayed us from resolving the issue), but it is on the docket:


about 5 years ago - /u/EdgarVerona - Direct link

Originally posted by nicotoroboto

Fix looks good. I see the change today and it appears to be ok so far. Both consoles appear for D1 as well as my cross save D2 data. I've moved a few pieces of gear just to test and it's looking good. Thanks for you and your teams hard work on this! Stay safe!

Glad it worked! You as well!