Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

18 Feb


I don't have much time to post the context but the fights... Zero understanding...

It's all too much.

External link →

17 Feb


Originally posted by psnDBN

Don't you see a large number of users sharing the same IP address? Some of the "recovery" guys are highly active. It ruins the game for a lot of normal people, that and the ddosers (and some of them ARE the "recovery" guys). Just seems really sad that the community plays itself with these type of things.

IP addresses can easily be faked/proxied/hidden, and as such, you can't use them for bans except in the most narrow of cases. You have to be more creative than that. We're pretty good at it though; I've been at Bungie for nearly two decades, so I have a lot of experience working at this kind of problem. I find one of the best tactics is wasting spammers' time - we can't always get rid of them completely, but we can do a lot to make it not worth the effort. Always room for improvement, of course, but considering we have essentially free accounts, we do pretty well, I think. Fireteams is a good example of something that did not have enough tooling so it makes it super easy to abuse. That will end soon.


Originally posted by Phorrum

Would sending messages to reporters like "Your report has successfully led to bla, bla, bla" have any affect on the amount of people submitting reports?

I know it sucks for me when I'll send reports on the same kinds of things and never know if it's actually having any impact, especially with things like carries that are just all over the place.

It might. We go back and forth on that. Maybe at some point we'll try it out.


Originally posted by spinto1

You all do amazing work trying to bust out things like this. I'm sure there were hurdles making this take longer than any of us wanted, but it's great to hear that it's being fixed so soon.

The once in a century snowstorm certainly did not help the release schedule.


Originally posted by frodakai

They've already said they're working on a fix to this problem.

Specifically, the next update (this week hopefully) to will add reporting on the web site, and in a future app release (probably in early March) we'll add it to the companion apps. While this may not seem like much on the surface, adding a "report" button also adds a lot of the less visible moderation tools that scan for this kind of thing and automatically report it to the moderators. This will allow the system to automatically flag such posts for review even without users reporting them. You'd be surprised how few people actually submit reports.

15 Feb


Originally posted by thebest_786

A threesome with kelly and kels would be amazing

You had to make this weird...


Taken at Pike Place. I am not a car guy, but this car had people staring on the street. It was gorgeous.

14 Feb


Originally posted by SirNoName

Well from the social media marketing campaign they did it sounded like it was the most groundbreaking amazing 5 stars movie ever

Isn't that how every movie ever is marketed?


Originally posted by Limited-Liability

Look at the dude's hammer swing, all you need to know

Part of that is because the video shows a prototype that isn't very strong, so he's being deliberately delicate

12 Feb


Originally posted by ptorkan

As someone born in Iran who works at Bungie I wanted to let you know that many of us were touched by your kind words. Eyes up guardian!

Can confirm. This is my production partner and good friend.


Typically you would take Stevens Pass to Leavenworth anyway. That said, Stevens Pass is certainly no picnic. You certainly would want AWD. I would definitely not recommend a midsize unless it had AWD.

WSDOT keeps a page updated with weather info about each pass:

It's hard to answer right now because both passes are likely to be easier to drive by Friday, but you never know.

My 2 cents: I would cancel. I've driven Snoqualmie in the snow many times, and Stevens a few times, and the conditions this week are the worst I've seen. It may improve by Friday but I would advise anyone without much experience driving the passes to avoid it.

06 Feb

01 Feb


Originally posted by jordanemmet

That’s awesome. What restaurant is this?

Tavolata in Seattle


Easy. First, Make any movie, of any quality - and then:

1) Intentionally don't spend any money on advertising 2) Bribe critics to post negative reviews of the movie 3) Make a terrible distribution deal where most theaters decide it is insufficiently profitable to play your movie. Or better yet, attempt your own distribution and only offer it to small indie theaters.