Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

07 Jul


Happy Bungie Day.

30 Jun


Originally posted by AWE5OMO4000

Do you know if collections are tracking items sent to the vault but never gathered? I've had a couple ships recently sent to the vault and then bumped out by a bunch of blue gear from faction token farming.

Anything that makes it into your postmaster or vault is still counted and unlocked in Collections.


Originally posted by TehLastWord

I don't want to delete one of my characters to go back and gather up all the whites and greens that I can't get anymore.

I also would need to delete all 3 characters in order to get the starter gear and greens for each class.

How do I get these items for collection without going through these steps?

They'll be unlocked automatically if your characters are at a level where they no longer drop naturally.


Originally posted by Glamdring804

Are there any plans to just give everyone all the white, green, and blue gear then? I kept the starting armor sets, but not much else. I suspect the same is true for pretty much everyone. It would be quite appreciated if you could ask the relevant teams to consider just giving all the low level gear to everyone.

White and green gear is unlocked automatically if your level is too high to get them to drop anymore. Blue items can still be earned out in the world even at max level!


Originally posted by internisus

And unless I'm mistaken there's no way for players with 3 characters at 300+ level to actually get white and green items anymore. Am I supposed to delete a character to complete my Collection?

Characters that are too high level to get white or green gear to drop will have that gear unlocked automatically in Collections. Edit: DANG IT, AUTOCORRECT.


Originally posted by Sarcosmonaut

I don’t think that’ll count tbh

But! Lucky for you, the raid shaders drop from the first encounters and are all easy! Just do one prestige castellum and boom. Raid shaders unlocked forever for normal and prestige

This is correct. We unfortunately can't track shaders that are applied to gear, only ones that are in your inventory.


Originally posted by hatedruglove

Okay, so how about this for instance. On my trials on the nine hunter cloak I have a "benevolence of the nine" shader on that piece. However, I do not have anymore benevolence of the nine shaders in my shader inventory. Will that still count towards me having that shader for the shader kiosk even though it wasn't in my inventory since warmind dlc?

Unfortunately, no :( When a shader is applied to a piece of gear, it's no longer officially in your inventory, so we can't track it. I wish we could, because I did the same thing... Except on my Warlock, naturally


Originally posted by Grog-nard

/u/popandwarlockit would this be accurate? Will Transmat Effects be stored in collections?

Not at Forsaken launch. We aren't tracking which Transmat Effects you have at the moment, so make sure to keep 'em around if you care about collecting them!

29 Jun

    /u/Tocom on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Just so everyone is aware we have identified and fixed this bug in update 1.2.3. We apologize for any inconvenience. <3

28 Jun


Originally posted by xAwkwardTacox

Edit: Nvm you're good :D

If shaders are considered consumables (which I would think they are?) you may want to make sure you have at least one in your inventory based on this part:

>If you have an item in your inventory right now, you can safely discard it and retrieve it from Collections in September. This does not include consumables, so hang on to those if they matter to you.

That only meant things in the Consumables/Modifications tabs of your inventory screen. So things like Cayde's Treasure Maps. Shaders are being tracked and are safe to use/delete!


Originally posted by sonicboomcarl

I LOVE THIS NEWS but I'm also super paranoid and probably won't be cleaning house yet.

"This does not include consumables, so hang on to those if they matter to you."

Wait- are shaders considered consumables?

That only meant the things in the Consumables tab (and Modifications tab, come to think of it) of your inventory screen. Shaders are being tracked, so if you have 'em right now, Collections will know. It knows much. ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)

18 Jun

    /u/Tocom on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey guys, we're actively working on changes to the entire streak system. While I don't have details or a date for you I wanted to stop by and let you know we hear your feedback and are working on changes. <3

06 Jun


Originally posted by Fuzzle_hc


Thank you based API gods

FYI, companion and all 3rd party apps should be re-enabled again, and the previous equip-related limitations should be gone. Let us know if you encounter any problems.

24 May


On PC, while there have been some load time issues with AMD drivers, there was also a systematic problem exposed when we launched 6v6 in Destiny 2. It manifests most often by players running low/lowest texture quality regardless of GPU.

Those players often are kicked with Beet or Kale error code and the match starts 5v6. It took a while to nail down the root cause but a permanent fix is on the way.

I wish I had a good workaround to share with everyone :(

22 May


Originally posted by shoehaunted

Thank you very much for the reply, I normally put all my graphics settings in games to low to reduce heat, but I've just put it to high and will see how it goes.

Keep in mind, this might improve your chances of getting into the game but it won't prevent the long loading times in general as any single player experiencing this issue will cause the long load time for everybody.


This issue was identified not long after the release of 6v6 Iron Banner and the impact felt by all, however the cause of the long match start times and conditions under which it would happen eluded us for many weeks. During the last Iron Banner we were able to finally nail down the conditions under which it would happen and have since been able to fix the underlying issues that caused this bug.

I wish I had a really great work-around for you at the moment, but ultimately the only mitigation for the average player until is released is to group with friends and try to match ships, sparrows, ghosts, weapons, etc as best you can. While unintuitive, players frequently encountering Beet and Kale can improve the situation for everybody by adjusting their texture quality settings to medium or high (assuming they have th...

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21 May

10 May


Originally posted by UberShrew

At least for destiny companion app I don’t think this is true. I still haven’t logged into any of my PS4 characters, but after logging into my all of my pc characters the issue was fixed. I don’t use Ishtar commander so you may be right with that one.

The official app only loads one account at a time, you have to switch between platforms. Many 3rd party apps load all linked accounts at once, which is why they require a login to all characters for the workaround to work.

09 May


Originally posted by iZeuS_XII

Logged in each of my 3 characters and loaded DIM on Chrome - still get an error.

It takes a few minutes sometimes. Also, if you have characters on more than one platform, you likely need to log into them to (some 3rd party apps load all your accounts instead of just the "current" one like the official companion does).

At any rate, we are trying to get this fixed as soon as possible.

06 May

    /u/Tocom on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by EthioSalvatori

/u/cozmo23, is Redrix's Claymore a DLC-exclusive?

No. Claymore is part of S3 which is available to everyone who owns Destiny 2