Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Dev Tracker

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18 May

On June 6, a new plane of Hell will open, giving way to endless hours of demon-slaying fun in Diablo IV. The team saw this as an opportunity to improve the accessibility offerings within the game, and they took careful steps to ensure that every new feature added would break down barriers that kept players from playing—a flame that guided them all through development.


Our Guiding Flame

Dexterity Assistance


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17 May

The Blessed Mother’s return is nigh. Soon, you’ll assume the mantle of Sanctuary’s wanderer, and embark upon a quest to cull the unspeakable monstrosities that blight the land. But, before you begin your fight for the fate of the world, grab a seat beside the campfire and gaze upon the gameplay that Diablo IV has in store.

Pre-purchase now and prepare to meet your maker on...

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16 May

15 May