Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Dev Tracker

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12 Dec

The undergrowth in Sanctuary is rife with creatures of the greediest inclinations. As these vermin scurry, the scarlet fur-lined bags on their backs jingle with loot ripe for the taking. Treasure Goblins are appearing in larger numbers, and it seems a hauntingly festive cheer has influenced their packs.

Starting on December 17, 10 a.m.—January 2, 10 a.m. PST, fight with your fellow wanderers across the globe to beat back the incursions of greedy mongrels for a heap of rewards. Band together with the entire Diablo IV community to reach global goblin slaying milestones, and tantalizing rewards will be yours for the taking.

While eviscerating packs of greedy goblins, don’t forget to use the Winback Booster in the Eternal Realm for an instant boost to Level 50, with included Legendary Items, powerful builds to use, and more. For more information on the Welcome Back Booster, read our blog ...

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22 Nov

Spend the holiday season in Sanctuary with Black Friday deals hotter than the Burning Hells! All editions of Vessel of Hatred are 25% off. Coupled with the onslaught of changes we've made to Diablo IV's core modes, progression, and fundamentals throughout 2024, and a chance to try out the ...

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21 Nov

On November 21, we held a Campfire Chat that that talked about the Public Test Realm (PTR) for the 2.1 Update, which runs from December 3—December 10, for players with a PC Battle.net account.

Members of the development team sat down to give a preview of the upcoming 2.1 PTR, which features the Armory, a new feature that provides the freedom to swap between different builds with ease. We displayed new systems coming to the Seasonal realm including Witchcraft powers, Headhunt bounties, and more. There were also many Class balance changes, new Unique Items, Runes, and Legendary Aspects.

For details on the 2.1 PTR and all that will be included, you can read our blog here. If you’d like to watch the full Campfire Chat to catch up on all the details, see the video below.

The Patch Notes for the 2.1 PTR will be released on November 27, which will be found ...

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19 Nov

The air is crackling with magic; you can feel it in your bones, can’t you? Harness this other-worldly new power in your fight against Hells’ Legions, wanderer.

The 2.1 Public Test Realm (PTR) for Diablo IV will be available from December 3–10, offering you the chance to test upcoming changes and features releasing with the next season for the base game, along with some Vessel of Hatred updates.

The purpose of the PTR is to test updates and features before the launch of Season 7. Then, using your feedback, we’ll be able to make some adjustments before the patch goes live for everyone. The feedback we receive helps us to fine-tune balance changes, eliminate bugs, and create the best experience possible. Having a PTR gives us a chance to test new systems, and we’re grateful for your assistance.

Here is what the 2.1 PTR will be previewing.



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15 Nov

The Diablo IV team has been monitoring your feedback. As we introduce patches to keep your experience in Sanctuary smooth, we will update the below list and denote whether the fixes are intended for PC, Xbox, PlayStation™, or all platforms.

2.0.5b Build #60065(All Platforms)—December 5, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Various stability improvements.
2.0.5a Build #59901 (PC Only)—November 20, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Elixir of Antivenin granted significantly more health than intended. This fix will go live a few hours after this client patch hits. It will be in a coinciding server hotfix.
  • Various stability improvements.
2.0.5 Build #59712 (All Platforms)—November 19, 2024

Vessel of Hatred

Game Updates


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14 Nov

There’s a shimmering gleam in the air, wanderer. The creatures that haunt the bogs and crags of Sanctuary are stirring, for much is set to unfold in the coming days. A new era of this land is prophesized to arrive, one tinged with cautious hope amidst the ceaselessly encroaching demons.

On November 19, log-in to boost your Eternal characters, the return of the Red-Cloaked Horror, Mother’s Blessing, and more.


Boost your Eternal Character

A Merry Time for Diablo IV


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Our next Campfire Chat begins on November 21, at 11 a.m. PST and gives a preview of the 2.1 Public Test Realm (PTR) for our upcoming Season. Join members of the development team as they reveal how to access, and what to expect in this next Public Test Realm available to PC BattleNet users.

This PTR allows you to get your first taste of the updates coming in our next Season. During the PTR, we’ll listen closely to the community’s feedback and make adjustments before the Season arrives.

There will also be a Q&A segment at the end of the stream for players to field their questions directly to the team.

Visit our official Diablo Twitch, ...

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12 Nov

On November 12, we held a Campfire Chat that went through our upcoming midseason update for Season of Hatred Rising, which has class specific changes, systemic updates, and more. We also revealed that we will have a PTR for our next Season, with more details to be shared soon in an upcoming Livestream.

If you’d like to watch the full Campfire Chat to catch up on all the details, see the video below.

05 Nov

Our next Campfire Chat begins on November 12 at 11 a.m. PST and details our midseason update for Season of Hatred Rising. Join members of the development team as they go through class balance changes, content updates, and more.

There will also be a Q&A segment at the end of the stream for players to field their questions directly to the team.

Visit our official Diablo Twitch, ...

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Vessel of Hatred is a beautiful expansion that is filled with amazing art created by so many talented developers across multiple departments. Everyone one of us deep down has geeked out over comic book covers, books, album covers, video games, and Fantasy art.

Now we get to bring our vision to life for all of you, with compelling characters and vivid places inspired by worlds that have moved us and captured the dark gothic core of Diablo. Alongside our talented team of artists, designers, engineers, and producers, we've brought this vision to life, shaping the visual experience that embodies the series spirit. With every iteration, we refine and reimagine our work, creating with the hope and intent that what we make truly connects with our players and stays faithful to the essence of Diablo.

I want to thank every artist who worked on this expansion for their passion, dedication, hard work, and patience. I hope everyone looking at this art will enjoy it, geek out ov...

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28 Oct

Accessibility is one of our top priorities in creating Diablo IV. We’ve integrated it into our development process from the very beginning and have worked with the disability community to discuss, iterate, and test features. With a more supportive and customizable gaming experience, these considerations have helped our games reach a legion of new players.

Diablo IV opened an infernal new chapter on October 8 with Vessel of Hatred. In bringing this adventure to life, our team developed new accessibility features designed to support players who have visual disabilities as they traverse the new region of Nahantu. With these updates, players will be better able to find—and fight—their way through the perilous jungle.

The features added to Diablo IV with Vessel of Hatred’s launch ensure that even more players can navigate the grim world of Sanctuary. We’ve rolled out:

  • Auto-Pin: A new feature that automatically drops a map pin on the destina...
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22 Oct

The spirits stir with whimsy, and skeletons rattle with enthusiasm. An engorged moon beckons for the pious to bask in its hallowed light. Spiders skitter with glee under the feet of townsfolk hastily preparing for a most sinister celebration—spooky festivities lie just beyond the foggy horizon.

Our macabre celebration will be in full swing from October 29, 10 a.m.–November 5, 10 a.m. PT. Claim limited-time cosmetic rewards when you log in to defend Sanctuary and make sure to pay a visit to your nearest Dungeon Shrine to play Meat or Treat!


Earn Ghoulish Goodies by Logging In


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Calling all doomsayers! Mephisto needs your help to champion corruption in his name. Starting October 22, 9 a.m. until supplies run out, Los Angeles and New York City residents can send a complimentary vase and arrangement of toxic flowers*—known as a Vase of Hatred**—to the nemesis, frenemy, or rival they loathe the most. Residents of other cities in the United States can channel their spite into a digital Vase of Hatred that the recipient can download.

Visit this website to order a physical or virtual Vase of Hatred.

Earn the Little Lady Mount Bundle


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04 Oct

Sanctuary is a volatile place—danger lurks at every turn and the reappearance of Mephisto’s hatred has ushered in a new era of hardships for those who call these lands home. While its denizens may have little hope, the rich stories they’ve passed down through generations have shined truth on the darkness.

“When Akarat Came to Nahantu”
by Matthew J. Kirby

In ancient times, the jungles of Nahantu festered with hatred. This corruption drove people from their homes and strangled all life from the land. But one day there came a wandering ascetic named Akarat, accompanied by his followers. In time, Akarat learned much about Nahantu and dedicated himself to cleansing the evil that rooted there . . .

Read “When Akarat Came to Nahantu” or ...

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02 Oct

Mephisto’s hatred has spread far and wide, creating nightmarish monstrosities to roam the land and reinstilling a sense of dread in the hearts of Sanctuary’s denizens. No one and nowhere is safe from the Lord of Hatred’s maddening influence, not even you.

Season of Hatred Rising begins on October 7 at 4 p.m. PDT.

Vessel of Hatred, the first expansion for Diablo IV, will also officially go live on October 7 at 4 p.m. PDT globally. Visit our What You Need to Know for Vessel of Hatred blog to prepare for launch. If you haven’t pre-purchased yet, you can do so ...

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30 Sep

Vessel of Hatred arrives on October 7 at 4 p.m. PDT, bringing wanders back into the Hatred filled canopies of Nahantu. Following launch, celebrate with 4 weeks of Twitch Drops to earn starting on October 8, 10 a.m. PDT! Prepare for Vessel of Hatred’s imminent arrival—connect your Battle.net account with your Twitch account, then watch dedicated Streamers in the Diablo IV category to earn coveted Drops. Gifting 2 Twitch Subscriptions earns you the Ghost of the Conquered Mount, and gifting 4 Twitch Subscriptions earns you the Glory of the Victor Mount Armor—read below for more details.


Twitch Drops


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The grand River Gates of Nahantu are waiting, and a tortured Neyrelle drifts further within. This tormented mortal suffers the seemingly endless machinations of the Prime Evil Mephisto trapped within the Soulstone. Become the Spiritborn, and cleanse the jungle of Hatred’s minions with this all-new ferocious class.

A new Era of Diablo IV is nearly upon you, wanderer. Directly following the events of the main campaign, a new chapter launches you back into the fire. Track down the lost Neyrelle while the people of Nahantu fight the hatred-fueled demons spreading through their sacred land. Read on to learn everything you need to know when Vessel of Hatred launches on October 7 at 4 p.m. PDT.


Last Chance for Pre-Purchase Rewards...

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23 Sep

This one’s going to be big, wanderer! Our next livestream begins on October 2, 11 a.m. PDT and gives an in-depth look at content releasing with Season 6 and the Vessel of Hatred expansion. Associate community director Adam Fletcher hosts alongside a rotating cast of developers from the team, and will also go over learnings from our last PTR and answer questions from players.

Visit our official Diablo Twitch, ...

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17 Sep

With Mephisto’s Soulstone in hand, Neyrelle sails south to the jungles of Nahantu to banish him for good. Knowing that Mephisto can corrupt even the most resolute beings, pushing them to insanity, you must track down Neyrelle to present a united front against the Lord of Hatred’s machinations and save Sanctuary together!

Those looking to envelop themselves in the malign events of Diablo IV’s main questline before jumping into the Vessel of Hatred expansion should watch the Story So Far video below.

Whether you’re new to the world of Diablo or a battle-scarred demon slayer ready for your next harrowing challenge, watch the Inside the Game: The Next Chapter video below to see what’s in store for you in our first expansion, Vessel of Hatred. Please note that this video contains spoilers for Vessel of Hatred’s main questline.

Pre-Purchase Vessel of Hatred Today

Pre-purchase to embark on an expedition to the jungles of Nah...

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06 Sep

The Diablo IV team has been monitoring your feedback. As we introduce patches to keep your experience in Sanctuary smooth, we will update the below list and denote whether the fixes are intended for PC, Xbox, PlayStation™, or all platforms.

1.5.2a Build #57673 (All Platforms) - September 6, 2024

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the Wings of the Damned and Wings of the Faith items showed a mismatched outline when the Additional Player Highlight setting was enabled.
  • Various stability and performance improvements.

1.5.2 Build #57412 (PC) and #57293 (Console) - September 3, 2024

Game Updates

Infernal H...

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