
Diabotical Dev Tracker

23 Jul


Originally posted by PowerBall253

Yes, I received one, thank you. After the stress tests will the keys get revoked or will I keep it to play on another closed beta? (if there is)

It won't be revoked, you'll keep it


Some keys have been sent today

19 Jul


The values that you saw are placeholder numbers


Instructions will be announced

20 Mar


Originally posted by LilWhoa

I would like my mousewheel up unbound. However, when I relaunch the game it always goes back to default: previous weapon is bound to mousewheel up. I have to delete that bind on every launch.

We'll fix that, as a workaround do: /bind mouse_wheel_up noop

14 Mar


Here are some brief updates on some ongoing concerns of a more technical nature.

Master server issues

The master server experience will not be terrible going forward. Much of our concern before release was that our dedicated game server component could handle any capacity we wanted to throw at it. This is the executable that actually serves gameplay that we run thousands of instances of globally. Instead, the server component turned out to be very efficient and scale very well, plus the fact that we accidentally over-provisioned servers helped even more with that. With the master server on the other hand we have been struggling from the start, the main problem being one of those silly programming things that are hard to see. Between weekend two and three we did a massive refactoring to simplify things and see things clearly. This caused some crashes initially because sometimes getting rid of leaks exposes issues that were previously hidden. We do ha...

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24 Feb

    /u/2GD on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Upvoted for visibility - great game 10/10

17 Jan

    /u/2GD on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


its your key, do as you please

16 Dec

    /u/2GD on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Heya, If you watch the vod, I mentioned we are collecting refund requests to process next year.

22 Sep

    /u/2GD on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Noddson

I've been digging around the kickstarter page and found a comment by Raven in the comments section from 4 days ago. He said that an update is planned for later this month.

CTF stream is tonight, sorry its been known via discord users for a week. We normally just post VODs to Kickstarter

15 Aug


Context and TL;DR

A thread was started in this subreddit that started a bit of a scare regarding our announced anti-cheat solution EQU8, which is a new solution made by Swedish startup Int3 Software. The main reasons why we chose EQU8 were that we experienced a high level of engagement and support, they were very receptive to our suggestions and their product doesn’t suffer from excessive loading times, unlike the only other solution that fit our requirements. In the thread it was claimed that EQU8 is excessively intrusive and some people were uncomfortable with a new product. We made as thorough an investigation into the claims as we possibly could with our limited time and resources, and we have resolved those concerns to our satisfaction. We found both the EQU8 product and their company to be as privacy-mindful as they could be given their product’s function. In this thread we will go through our findings and other background information.


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06 Jul


Originally posted by Tekn0z

You are right that EAC doesn't allow launching a game with kernel testsigning turned on but that gives me a clear indication without banning or lowering my trust score.

However, I'm able to run all other games like QC, Overwatch, Destiny etc. fine. Just not Apex legends (protected by EAC).

With EQU8, will it allow launching the game but silently lower my trust score because it is suspecting me of cheating? If that's the case, I'm okay with rather rebooting with testsigning turned off every time I want to play Diabotical.

If EQU8 prevents loading the game that would be clear but I don't know what it will do. Some transparency here would be greatly appreciated.

Also thank you very much for a reply. I don't expect you to reply on weekends :)

Ah, I see what you mean now. You won't be able to play until you turn it back on, just like Apex.


I talked to EQU8 who were kind enough to help me on a Saturday and asked them about the issues raised in this post and yesterday’s one.

Will the driver collect data (such as keystrokes when game window is not in focus, memory contents of other processes or of the kernel, files on the disk etc.) and if so what does it do with it? Does it anonymize and encrypt personal data before sending it over the network?

About what exactly is read I’ve asked for a full list and they will get back to me on Monday (but they confirmed no keystrokes of unfocused windows). No personal data is transmitted. An exception would be filenames. If you named your cheat “tekn0z_wallhack.dll”, they would see that string. Even the username in a path would be stripped, so “C:\Users\Tekn0z\aimbot.dll” would become “5\aimbot.dll”. All communication is encrypted. Also, EQU8 is a Swedish company and subject to all EU data protection legislation. We inquired about privacy be...

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05 Jul


We’ll be showing Equ8 all of this stuff as we have in the past when somebody brings something like this to our attention. I will update this post with what I learn. We will obviously drop Equ8 if it’s not up to the task. False positives are obviously concerning. The level of inspection that you mention, although not great, it seems to me like it could be the same in all other anticheat solutions with any degree of effectiveness, but I don’t want to speculate and we’ll look into that too. Feel free to correct me if you have inspected different anticheats and have more information in the privacy area. TL;DR: We are gonna look into this and change anticheat vendor if necessary.

I’ll share the full rationale for going with Equ8 at the risk of being a bit too open. With the technical information I extracted from the vendors we talked to, I expect it to be a bit lighter on performance than other competitors and just as good in terms of detection. This is just an educated guess, b...

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21 May

    /u/2GD on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]

Bad format. Better hope it won't ruin the very limited momentum of a developing competitive scene for a game of this size. Just make normal duel.

stop trolling sir. it is hurting my brain :(

    /u/2GD on Reddit - Thread - Direct

dude, stop being weird. Team duel is a tournament format. go play duel 1v1 to train.

17 May

    /u/2GD on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by gexzor

Don't worry man. If there's anything James know how to do well, then it's making noise and get a lot of attention ;)


12 May

    /u/2GD on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GodzillaLikesBoobs

dont get me wrong, i was there in the stream. almost 3 hours long, took a few breaks and went to the VoD.

but from a february release to march to if not march to definitely april to.... this....

poor jayden. F.

also two overwatch friends are super hyped at the art style, maps, the 1v1 clan duel (i prefer classic), and were amazed when you showed sliding the weapon across the bottom from right to center. they were wondering about vertical limits.

but damn firefrog, keep it up. but we're pretty frustrated now.

edit: Freeze Tag over Space CTF. everyone knows ctf. its in OW, its in every afps. its over and done. freeze tag is a lot more engaging as a TDM+Arena kinda style. There really should be a big Freeze Tag menu access icon and not just servers.

yeah its very frustrating for us also about release. but we are doing our very best

    /u/2GD on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GodzillaLikesBoobs

basically still a mess, so much to finish, do not expect a release or trailer this month

plz its a beautiful mess