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Follwed the main quest up the point Queen Ayrenn asks you to collect items while looking for High King Emeric. Quest marker directs you to near a beach, just beyond that is a wayshrine....but the Queen is not spawning in this location for me. I have tried the following with no luck:

1) Unsummoned my companions and re-ran the quest after abandoning it - No change
2) relogged a hundered times and nochange either.
3) logged of for more than 12 hours, logged in again, no change

Could someone please enlighten me on this as I cannot continue the main questline in High Isle because of it.

almost 3 years ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Hi there! There's a path directly from the Flooded Coast Wayshrine, going north, that will take you to a pile of bodies and then Queen Ayrenn will pop up and come over to you. The Wayshrine should be slightly northwest of where the map pin currently is. Let us know if that works for you?