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As title says, I think some tweaks to Rajhin could be healthy for the game. I get that stall mechanics have a place, but a deck that has THREE stall mechanics (patron, knockout agents, and reduce prestige) is overkill and will drive new Tribute players away. The game that I was just in lasted 80 minutes because of this. There was actually a point where they hit 40 (while I was on about 20), but I used Rajhin against them to pull them back under 40. I went on to win the game around 65-30 after draining them until I could get a good enough combo to safely Crow. Funnily enough this game put me in Rubedite. Some possible tweaks could be: -Change Stubborn Shadow from -2 prestige to -1 prestige AND +1 power -Change Twilight Revelry from -3 prestige to -1 prestige AND +2 power -Change one of the cards that gives -1 prestige to +1 power -Make the patron cost 1 more gold These would let the deck keep its identity but slightly reduce the potential for extremely lengthy stalls. The challenge, of course, is tweaking the deck without nerfing it.
Hey @TumlinTheJolly as a heads-up, we just wanted to let you know we passed your feedback along to the team who works on Tribute and they are going to look at this. While a lot of factors can play into how long a match goes, they did agree that 80 minutes is longer than intended for any one match.