almost 4 years
ago -
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Now that the dust has settled and the ESO PlayStation service is back up, here's a quick summary of what happened and what we'll do to make up the day of playtime that our PS4/5 community lost. The extended downtime was particularly unfortunate timing as yesterday was a holiday for many of you, and we know you were looking forward to spending your time off adventuring in Tamriel. We understand how frustrating this was.
First, the issue itself was caused by a service problem between ESO and the PSN platform and was entirely our fault. Because it was a problem between the ESO game and the PSN service, our solution was to rebuild the ESO patch, test it, and submit it for certification. This process takes time, which is where the initial 24-48 hour estimate came from.
However, with critical help from our PSN partners, we figured out a much faster solution - to modify the service itself. With that, it only took a service update and a restart, and after testing and verification, we were back in business very late last night east coast USA time and as I type this everything is running normally.
We know this wasn't fun. We don't like extended downtime either. I apologize for the situation and for the inconvenience and frustration it has caused. Thanks for being such a great community and bearing with us through this.
To alleviate some of the lost playtime from ESO PlayStation players, here's what we're going to do:
[*] We are extending the Anniversary Jubilee event by a few days for ALL players – it will now run until Thursday April 15 at 10am EDT for all platforms
[*] On PS4/5 only: The day 7 daily login reward will be modified to give five 150% experience boost scrolls (to make up for lost time)
[*] On PS4/5 only: The day 8 daily login reward will be modified to give players this month's pet (the Ayleid Wolf Pup, previously awarded on day 21) to make sure no one misses the reward due to disruption in their play schedule
[*] On PS4/5 only: The normal day 7 and 8 rewards will be moved later in the month, so you won't miss out on them either
Thanks again, and see you all in Tamriel.
First, the issue itself was caused by a service problem between ESO and the PSN platform and was entirely our fault. Because it was a problem between the ESO game and the PSN service, our solution was to rebuild the ESO patch, test it, and submit it for certification. This process takes time, which is where the initial 24-48 hour estimate came from.
However, with critical help from our PSN partners, we figured out a much faster solution - to modify the service itself. With that, it only took a service update and a restart, and after testing and verification, we were back in business very late last night east coast USA time and as I type this everything is running normally.
We know this wasn't fun. We don't like extended downtime either. I apologize for the situation and for the inconvenience and frustration it has caused. Thanks for being such a great community and bearing with us through this.
To alleviate some of the lost playtime from ESO PlayStation players, here's what we're going to do:
[*] We are extending the Anniversary Jubilee event by a few days for ALL players – it will now run until Thursday April 15 at 10am EDT for all platforms
[*] On PS4/5 only: The day 7 daily login reward will be modified to give five 150% experience boost scrolls (to make up for lost time)
[*] On PS4/5 only: The day 8 daily login reward will be modified to give players this month's pet (the Ayleid Wolf Pup, previously awarded on day 21) to make sure no one misses the reward due to disruption in their play schedule
[*] On PS4/5 only: The normal day 7 and 8 rewards will be moved later in the month, so you won't miss out on them either
Thanks again, and see you all in Tamriel.