almost 3 years
ago -
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Just a quick note to give everyone an update on our ongoing server/login issues. Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen a large increase in the number of players logging into the PC EU server. This caused some congestion and the issues you saw on that server including long load screens and guild traders not updating, to name a few. Now that things are more stable, we are continuing to very closely monitor server performance, especially during peak play times on our North American and European PC servers.
We are taking this very seriously, especially as our player logins have increased substantially over the last two weeks - this increase is normal during this time of year as we go through our Anniversary event in the run up to the annual Chapter launch. Additionally, we have the Free Play Event starting today on all platforms. So, if needed, we will institute a login queue on servers that are experiencing particularly heavy load due to the combination of the Anniversary and Free Play events. Doing so will throttle the number of players loading in at one time to help avoid issues once in-game. We anticipate this to be primarily on the PC servers, and if needed, just during prime times for each.
Please note there is an issue occasionally affecting the login queue where it will show you have 1 second left but will never actually progress – simply log out and back in which will get you to character select.
We will keep you posted if we have to take additional action other than login queues as we get through the next couple of weeks. Thanks for your patience and for being part of this amazing community.
We are taking this very seriously, especially as our player logins have increased substantially over the last two weeks - this increase is normal during this time of year as we go through our Anniversary event in the run up to the annual Chapter launch. Additionally, we have the Free Play Event starting today on all platforms. So, if needed, we will institute a login queue on servers that are experiencing particularly heavy load due to the combination of the Anniversary and Free Play events. Doing so will throttle the number of players loading in at one time to help avoid issues once in-game. We anticipate this to be primarily on the PC servers, and if needed, just during prime times for each.
Please note there is an issue occasionally affecting the login queue where it will show you have 1 second left but will never actually progress – simply log out and back in which will get you to character select.
We will keep you posted if we have to take additional action other than login queues as we get through the next couple of weeks. Thanks for your patience and for being part of this amazing community.