Original Post — Direct link
Many people are getting locked out zoning.
Hey all, just letting you know we see this thread and a couple others about this issue and we’re investigating.
9 days ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi All, we're here to follow up with an update. We believe we have identified the issue causing the disconnections while zoning for players on PC NA. We are restarting some items on our end to begin the process to resolve these issues. While this will not require complete downtime, some players may be kicked as part of the process. This will not impact all players, but we wanted to give a heads up that some may experience being kicked off servers temporarily.
9 days ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi all. We have completed the reboots and will be monitoring throughout the weekend. So if you continue to hit zoning disconnects or 334 errors, please not them here and we will take a look over the weekend and on Monday. Thanks for your patience everyone.