Claim your free pet today. Just log in, go to the crown store and enter this simple 20 digit number.
20 frigging digits. They are having a laugh, that will take me all day to enter.
Are they hoping we will get to tiered and our fingers to bloody half way through entering the code to not bother claiming it?
Sorry, I just thought this amusing. a 20 digit code for a free pet.
Thanks for the Pet dev's I will take good care of it. :smiley:
20 frigging digits. They are having a laugh, that will take me all day to enter.
Are they hoping we will get to tiered and our fingers to bloody half way through entering the code to not bother claiming it?
Sorry, I just thought this amusing. a 20 digit code for a free pet.
Thanks for the Pet dev's I will take good care of it. :smiley: