almost 5 years
ago -
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The Elder Scrolls Online v5.3.8 has some fixes for the Undo and Burning Embers abilities, the Stone Keeper fight in Frostvault, a game crash, and a couple other smaller bug fixes. Investigations are still ongoing for the ability desyncs and lag, as mentioned in last week’s performance update. The size of this patch is approximately 61MB.

[*]Fixed an issue which would cause the client to become unresponsive when returning from the Skeevaton phase of Stone Keeper.

[*]Ardent Flame
[*]Burning Embers: Fixed an issue where the heal from this ability was not working when utilizing Searing Heat and Elfbane at the same time.
[*]Psijic Order
[*]Fixed an issue where this ability could fail to properly animate your character as you rewound through time.
[*]Fixed an issue where this ability could fail to rewind time.
[*]Note: This fix may cause strange animation issues when using this Ultimate while standing completely still for 4 or more seconds, where your character does not get rewound in position. This particular issue will be fixed in a future patch as fixing the functionality was prioritized.

[*]Fixed a small location in Mor Khazgur where your character would not die from falling as intended.

[*]Fixed an issue that could, under rare circumstances, cause Murkmire Strongboxes to be awarded from Senchal Reward Chests.

[*]Fixed an issue in the UI texture management which could cause a crash.