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Just got kicked saying "either the server are down or I am not entitled to this realm". Anyone with the same problem? PC/NA
3 months ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Everyone, just popping in to let you know we are working on things and will update as soon as we can.
3 months ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Hi all, no update as of yet. We'll continue to check back in periodically.
3 months ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Hi all, no update as of yet. We'll continue to check back in periodically.
Can the mods keep the dev thread about the server being brought down updated for status, and not just dev comments buried inside other threads. @ZOS_Kevin
Yes it's right here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/656543/temporarily-taking-down-the-pts-the-pc-na-live-server#latest
3 months ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Soooo ..... Does this mean it also affects EU players who logged into PTS and thus flagged by the system? This means any people who logged into PTS can be locked out? Or does it mean only for those who logged into the PTS AND NA live server? EDIT: Nevermind. Got confirmation from a friend who got his account locked and got the email even though he only logged into PTS and not NA .... RIP you poor buggers. I hope you guys get a decent compensation out of this ... All those style pages and tickets lost.
PC EU players should not be affected. Also for any PC NA players that hopped over to PC EU during the downtime, your progress on EU will remain and won't be rolled back.
3 months ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Soooo ..... Does this mean it also affects EU players who logged into PTS and thus flagged by the system? This means any people who logged into PTS can be locked out? Or does it mean only for those who logged into the PTS AND NA live server? EDIT: Nevermind. Got confirmation from a friend who got his account locked and got the email even though he only logged into PTS and not NA .... RIP you poor buggers. I hope you guys get a decent compensation out of this ... All those style pages and tickets lost.
PC EU players should not be affected. Also for any PC NA players that hopped over to PC EU during the downtime, your progress on EU will remain and won't be rolled back.
Hi Gina, Thank you for the update, however PC/EU players are most definitely affected if they logged in on the PTS yesterday. A couple of members of our guild that jumped on the PTS to have a poke around with the new furnishings and stuff just got the 'suspended' message. I have a feeling that more reports like that will follow as people try to log in today, I know that some hopped in to check the new trial. So I think is fair to say that any account that logged in on the PTS yesterday will be flagged, regardless of what server they play in. This is extremely disruptive for players considering the nature of the current event. I do hope you do right by these players.
You're right, apologies for the confusion. The accounts that have been temporarily locked include anyone that logged onto the PTS after maintenance completed on April 15 (regardless if you play on NA or EU). However, the rollbacks mentioned in the update are primarily affecting PC NA accounts.
3 months ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
PC EU players should not be affected. Also for any PC NA players that hopped over to PC EU during the downtime, your progress on EU will remain and won't be rolled back.
Can we please get some more clarification? I'm an affected EU player. Logged NA just to get the daily reward, saw the issue and immediately ticketed it. I then moved back to EU and spent the night playing with some friends. Will what I did on EU be safe or rolled back? Also there are events running at the moment. Being locked out of an account right now is a huge a loss. It's already necessary to buy 5 parts toward the anniversary horse mount achievement with event tickets. If people are unable to log in for the next 2 or 3 days, due to loss of event vouchers too, that is losing us 4 to 6 parts of the mount. It's also going to mean losing all the bonus endeavors from the thieves guild event. Is anything going to be done to help those effected recover from this (those of us who did not try to exploit it at least)?
Just to reiterate what was posted above, the accounts that have been temporarily locked include anyone that logged onto the PTS after maintenance completed on April 15 (regardless if you play on NA or EU). However, the rollbacks mentioned in the update are primarily affecting PC NA accounts.
3 months ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Inari Telvanni;c-8090229
Soooo ..... Does this mean it also affects EU players who logged into PTS and thus flagged by the system? This means any people who logged into PTS can be locked out? Or does it mean only for those who logged into the PTS AND NA live server? EDIT: Nevermind. Got confirmation from a friend who got his account locked and got the email even though he only logged into PTS and not NA .... RIP you poor buggers. I hope you guys get a decent compensation out of this ... All those style pages and tickets lost.
PC EU players should not be affected. Also for any PC NA players that hopped over to PC EU during the downtime, your progress on EU will remain and won't be rolled back.
Hi Gina, Thank you for the update, however PC/EU players are most definitely affected if they logged in on the PTS yesterday. A couple of members of our guild that jumped on the PTS to have a poke around with the new furnishings and stuff just got the 'suspended' message. I have a feeling that more reports like that will follow as people try to log in today, I know that some hopped in to check the new trial. So I think is fair to say that any account that logged in on the PTS yesterday will be flagged, regardless of what server they play in. This is extremely disruptive for players considering the nature of the current event. I do hope you do right by these players.
You're right, apologies for the confusion. The accounts that have been temporarily locked include anyone that logged onto the PTS after maintenance completed on April 15 (regardless if you play on NA or EU). However, the rollbacks mentioned in the update are primarily affecting PC NA accounts.
I also received an email saying my ESO+ was cancelled while my account is locked. Is this true? If so, will my ESO+ will be restored when this is finished? It's very, very expensive in my currency and I can't afford to renew it a second time in under a few weeks...
We are looking into this and will let you know as soon as we can.