5 months ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
The Elder Scrolls Online v9.3.4 is the final PTS patch before launching Update 41 on March 11. In this patch, we’ve made some adjustments to the new Mythic item, along with some fixes for housing, UI, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 281MB. [img alt="Combat & Gameplay"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/combat_&_gameplay.jpg[/img] [img alt="Itemization & Item Sets"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/itemization-and-item-sets.png[/img] General
  • Fixed an issue where some sets were not properly respecting their cooldowns following some previous bug fixes in this Update. This affects the following sets:
    • Azureblight Reaper
    • Deadlands Assassin
    • The Ice Furnace
Mythic Items
  • Torc of the Last Ayleid King:
    • This set now grants 1337 Weapon and Spell Damage, 500 Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery, and reduces your damage taken by 15%, rather than increasing your damage and healing done by 20% and reducing your damage taken by 20%.
    • Developer Comment:[spoiler] We’ve adjusted this set to now offer flat values; the original percent-based values were generally weaker in most situations, as losing a ton of flat stats from other sets meant the percent increase had less numbers to work with. We’ve also adjusted the stats to be more universally usable by builds, so it felt less spread out at what the set is intended to help with. With the new bonuses, we hope that this Mythic acts as a simple one-and-done, equip-and-forget item set that helps enable simpler solo play for those who aren’t interested in the “deck building” aspect to itemization.[/spoiler]
    • Fixed an issue where this set was missing a default enchantment or trait.  The default enchantment is now multi-effect
    • (Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery) and the trait is now Triune.
[img alt="Companions"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/companions.png[/img] General
  • Fixed an issue where changing the gear equipped to Azandar’s waist inventory slot could result in a crash.
  • The achievement “Azandar's Favor” will once again advance when visiting Mundus Stones.
[img alt="Fixes & Improvements, Morrowind"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/fixes_&_improvements_morrowind.jpg[/img] World Bosses
  • Fixed issue with Dubdil Alar Tower world boss in Vvardenfell, where it was possible to advance event without killing Mehz the Cozener.
[img alt="Fixes & Improvements, Scions of Ithelia"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/fixes_%20_improvements_scions-of-ithelia.png[/img] [img alt="Dungeons & Group Content"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/dungeons_&_group_content.png[/img] Dungeons
  • Bedlam Veil
    • Updated the visual effects of The Blind’s glass shard siege wall.
[img alt="Fixes & Improvements, Base Game"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/fixes_&_improvements_base_game.jpg[/img] [img alt="Events & Celebrations"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/events-and-celebrations.png[/img] General
  • Fixed a number of worldwide issues with new holiday decorations that were displaying outside their intended time. I wish it was still October too, Tamriel.
Anniversary Jubilee
  • You can no longer use the Multi-Buy function to bypass the maximum number of Anniversary Confetti needed to complete the Jubilee Steed.
  • The styles for the Trueflame, Staff of Worms, Sunna'rah, Barbas Helmet, and Ul'Vor Staff replicas can now be previewed from Outfit Stations.
  • Fixed an issue preventing certain World Bosses from awarding Anniversary Jubilee Gift Boxes.
[img alt="Housing"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/housing.png[/img] Homes
  • Updated the names of the doors in the houses inside of Willowpond Haven to clarify whether you'll be entering the balcony of the home or not.
  • Updated the entrance captions for the following homes that use boats to enter the home to now say "Travel" instead of "Enter":
    • Willowpond Haven
    • Pantherfang Chapel
    • Colossal Aldmeri Grotto
    • Seaveil Spire
    • Forgemaster Falls
[img alt="Quests & Zones"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/quests_&_zones.png[/img] Gold Road Prologue Quest
  • Updated Hermaeus Mora so his eyeball doesn’t pop in before the rest of him. Creepy.
[img alt="UI"]https://esossl-a.akamaihd.net/uploads/patch_notes/patch_notes_headers/en/ui.png[/img] General
  • Fixed an issue where the "Show More" option in Guild History would be available during unintended times.
  • Page numbers on the Guild History screen is now center aligned.
  • Fixed a UI error that could occur when interacting with Outfit Styles.
  • Fixed issue where the arrow button on keyboard dropdowns was not working.
Gamepad Mode
  • When depositing or withdrawing from the bank or guild bank with an active text search filter, you will no longer be reset to the top of the list.