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@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert

Are you planning any further checking of the ability cooldown system on PTS prior to your live tests? I checked out PTS this weekend and the cooldowns were not in place within Cyrodiil there. (Also there was a weird bug where there was a 30m queue for an empty cyrodiil - hopefully thats just a PTS server spin-up thing)

Could you maybe just toggle them on all week or preferably have campaigns where the different options are enabled? We can always use sewers for testing pvp combat without the cooldowns.

P.S. if you can make cyro on PTS CP enabled (so that we can optionally test with an without CP) and also give us an idea of any likely changes between now and launch in 2 weeks that would be great.

I'll still also make the point that running these tests in cyrodiil on the first week of the DLC release is a bad idea and will skew your results due to population too :)
about 4 years ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Yes, we're actively doing some additional tests throughout the day today, more to ensure everything functions correctly rather than running full tests on abilities and such. We can see if we can leave something on for the rest of the week once we're finished.