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Below is part two of our written PVP Q&A series, based on questions from the official ESO forums and ESO Reddit communities. We received over 150 unique questions, so we have batched them out into smaller sets. This next one covers questions and answers about Battlegrounds as well as a few miscellaneous PvP-related topics. We do still have a Cyrodiil & Imperial City and PvP Combat & Itemization sets in progress. Thank you to everyone who asked a question!
Spawn & Respawn Questions
Q. Will you introduce spawn immunity in Battlegrounds? - r0lyat
A. Introducing spawn immunity to Battlegrounds is something we’ve thought about. The way it would need to work, is spawn immunity would suppress all combat-related actions while a player is in that state. This means that when you have spawn immunity in a Battleground, you would not be able to use any skills, couldn’t activate buff effects before you get into combat, or heal allies who are fighting out of spawn as you come down, couldn’t gain Ultimate, etc.
Suppressing all combat-related actions could be pretty disruptive and interrupts the natural flow of combat, so while it is possible, it does come with some potentially negative trade-offs that we would need to consider.
Q. Are there any plans to fix the respawning systems in battlegrounds? There are currently 2 problems here:
- From the offensive view, being able to attack your opponent at their base spawn area results in spawn camping and griefing.
- From a defensive view, players don’t leave the spawn area to engage back in the battle, which breaks the flow of battle. As this basically frustrates the opponents and they have no other choice but to spawn camp as this is where the battle has gone to.- lizeswan
- Fixing the issue where groups sometimes don’t fully populate as they should before the match starts.
- Improving overall battlegrounds matchmaking based on MMR, so that groups are more equally (and consistently) matched.