Original Post — Direct link
I ordered the "The Elder Scrolls Online Deluxe Collection: Necrom" in March.
As advertised, I received the Collector’s Edition digital items for all previous Chapters.
However, I did not receive any of the preorder and CE digital items for Necrom:

Missing preorder rewards:
[*] Sadrith Mora Formal Attire costume
[*] Apocryphal Bookwyrm pet
[*] ×1 Unfeathered crate
[*] ×3 Telvanni Peninsula treasure maps
[*] ×2 Experience scrolls (+100% for 1 hour)
Missing CE digital rewards:
[*] Hermitage Servitor mount
[*] Cipher's Eye Pocket Watcher pet
[*] Dark Lady's Headrest memento
[*] Knowledge Eater Armor outfit style
[*] Leaning / Sitting / Standing Scholar emotes

EDIT: After a few hours, all missing items finally received in the mail.
Thank you!


over 1 year ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Thanks! We are looking into this now.
over 1 year ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Could you all confirm you are on PS5 specifically? Also, which country are you in?

One other thing to try as well is to go to Settings/Users and Accounts/Account/Payments and Subscriptions/Game and App Services and then scroll down to The Elder Scrolls Online, then see what is listed there. Thank you!
over 1 year ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Thanks for the info, all. Could we also get your PSN ID? Thank you!
over 1 year ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link
Thanks everyone! Appreciate the info and patience here. We're actively investigating this and will let you know if we need anything further.
over 1 year ago - ZOS_Kevin - Direct link
Hi All! We believe this has been resolved, however we are still checking things on our end to make sure. If those of you who were impacted previously, could you let us know the following?

What platform are you playing on?
Did you do anything specific for the rewards to show up?

This info will be helpful to us as we close the loop on this. Thanks all!