almost 5 years
ago -
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The Elder Scrolls Online v5.3.7 includes a fix for the ability Incapacitating Strike, a common game crash, and a fix affecting addons. Please note that while we are making progress on ability desyncs/lag and have ruled some things out, we are continuing our investigations which remain one of our top priorities. The size of this patch is approximately 67MB.
[*] Icereach
[*] Adjusted the name and description text for achievement "Lashing Lullaby" to better reflect the required activity.
[*] Assassination
[*] Incapacitating Strike: Fixed an issue where you could continue to move while under the effects of this Ultimate's stun.
[*] Fixed an issue where your game could crash after moving around a large region with your view distance set high.
[*] Custom group election descriptors no longer support texture markup.