Original Post — Direct link
Hi everyone!

Beginning on August 11th, we’ll be adjusting the date and time that Guild Traders make their weekly swap to coincide with some backend work going into Update 27. These new times will ensure we can fully monitor and react to any issues that may arise when the swap takes place. Below, you’ll find the new day and time when Guild Traders will switch over:

European (EU) megaserver: Tuesdays - 14:00 UTC, 10am EDT / 9am EST
[*] 13:55 Tuesday UTC: All bidding and renting from the previous week will stop
[*] 14:00 Tuesday UTC : Tabard of the selected vendor flips to new owners
[*] 14:05 Tuesday UTC : All bidding and renting is opened up again for the following week

North American (NA) megaserver: Tuesdays - 19:00 UTC, 3pm EDT / 2pm EST
[*] 2:55 Tuesday EDT: All bidding and renting from the previous week will stop
[*] 3:00 Tuesday EDT: Tabard of the selected vendor flips to new owners
[*] 3:05 Tuesday EDT: All bidding and renting is opened up again for the following week
Please note that during high usage, the process times listed may take a few extra minutes to complete.

What this means for the previous week: Traders will switch over normally on Sunday, August 3rd. Bids that take place after that will go towards a trader that will be awarded on the August 11th swap. That means Guilds will have traders for about 2 extra days following the August 3rd switchover. Once the August 11th switch over takes place, the traders will be back to the new Tuesday weekly cadence.

Note we will also be testing this time shift on the PTS, with August 4th being the first time it changes on that realm. If you are a GM of a guild on PC EU and would like to help us test, please post here and let us know.

almost 4 years ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link

This is unclear. You say it will go back to the weekly cadence. Does that "weekly cadence" mean on tuesdays or back to sundays?

Sorry about that. The new weekly cadence is going to be Tuesday beginning on August 11 for the foreseeable future. Will edit the post so it's clearer.
almost 4 years ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link

@ZOS_GinaBruno About the bid test, do you guys want us to do some special things? Like bid all on one kiosk? Lots of gold?

There are lots of people who already said they are ready to test, if you want some heavy tests on one kiosk or anything, now is the chance!

Yes! If you could bid on a trader on PTS then just let me know (here or via PM) which one you bid on, that would help a ton. Doesn't matter how much you bid. Thanks!



European (EU) megaserver: Tuesdays - 13:00 UTC, 10am EDT / 9am EST
[*] 13:55 Tuesday UTC: All bidding and renting from the previous week will stop
[*] 14:00 Tuesday UTC : Tabard of the selected vendor flips to new owners
[*] 14:05 Tuesday UTC : All bidding and renting is opened up again for the following week

Just noticed you actually posted two times for the EU change. Which one is correct? 13:00 UTC or 14:00 UTC? 10am EDT would indicate 14:00 UTC is what you meant to write.

Sorry about that. The correct time should be 14:00 UTC. Will edit the original post to correct that.
almost 4 years ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link



@ZOS_GinaBruno About the bid test, do you guys want us to do some special things? Like bid all on one kiosk? Lots of gold?

There are lots of people who already said they are ready to test, if you want some heavy tests on one kiosk or anything, now is the chance!

Yes! If you could bid on a trader on PTS then just let me know (here or via PM) which one you bid on, that would help a ton. Doesn't matter how much you bid. Thanks!



European (EU) megaserver: Tuesdays - 13:00 UTC, 10am EDT / 9am EST
[*] 13:55 Tuesday UTC: All bidding and renting from the previous week will stop
[*] 14:00 Tuesday UTC : Tabard of the selected vendor flips to new owners
[*] 14:05 Tuesday UTC : All bidding and renting is opened up again for the following week

Just noticed you actually posted two times for the EU change. Which one is correct? 13:00 UTC or 14:00 UTC? 10am EDT would indicate 14:00 UTC is what you meant to write.

Sorry about that. The correct time should be 14:00 UTC. Will edit the original post to correct that.

I am able to bid with 5 Guilds! I could place 5 bids on 10 traders or 50 on random ones. Some sort of guideline or special scenario if needed would be amazing!
I really want to help out in testing.

If it doesn't matter i will probably place 5 bids on 10 traders. Gonna bid on every trader in Rawl'kha and every trader in Vivec beside "Jena Calvus" (the one with the tend who is farthest away from the Wayshrine)!

Thanks for your help! In this case, we just need the guild name and which trader you bid on. To quote Metallica, nothing else matters.
almost 4 years ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link

@ZOS_GinaBruno Just wanted to let you know that I didn't receive a winning mail, only 9 lost/refund mails for the bid on PTS, even though I won the primary bid. History shows the winning bid correctly though.

Thanks for the info, passed this over to our QA team to take a look. We also found an additional issue that we'll make sure to get fixed before this goes live - thanks so much for everyone's help yesterday on the PTS!
almost 4 years ago - ZOS_GinaBruno - Direct link

@ZOS_GinaBruno sorry to bother you again and again, but you still haven't clarified if the bidding stays open until Tuesday in this special week, or if GMs should rather place their bids until Sunday, since the ingame interface shows bidding closes Sunday evening on EU live.

It should stay open until Tuesday. Does the in-game UI show Sunday right now? It should have updated yesterday around 5pm EDT.