Elite: Dangerous

Elite: Dangerous Dev Tracker

03 Feb



You can keep an eye on this article as we will update it once we have further information to share.

- Ikaros

02 Feb


Hi! Just to let you know that this should now be resolved :)

- Support Agent Nova



Our QA team is aware of this issue and we aim to resolve this as soon as possible.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

- Ikaros



If there's an integrated GPU present on your system, we do recommend making sure the dedicated AMD 6900XT is being utilized.

To do this:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the desktop, and then select Display settings

  2. In the right panel, scroll down to look for and click on Graphics settings.

  3. Under Choose and app to set preference, select Classic app and click on Browse. Then, browse to the game exe file that you want to force to use a GPU.

  4. Once selected, click on the app and then click Options.

  5. Under Set graphics preference, select an option based on the AMD 6900XT.

If you need further assistance, please send us a support ticket via: ...

Read more


Feel free to send us a support ticket via: https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new and our team will investigate.

- Ikaros

01 Feb

31 Jan

30 Jan

29 Jan

28 Jan


Hi there! You'll firstly need to ensure your accounts are linked - https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/articles/4404175514514-How-to-link-your-Frontier-Account-to-the-platform-on-which-you-play-Elite-Dangerous-

Then, you should just need to use the STEAM LOG IN option on the launcher to access the game. To do this, open up the launcher and select STEAM LOG IN. (You may need to restart the launcher if the button isn't immediately available)

This ensures that the launcher reads your Steam purchases (the standard LOG IN button reads purchases from the Frontier Store only). Doing this should grant you game access :) - Nova