about 5 years
ago -
Fairy Dust
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Dear Humans and Elves,
We are very sad to announce that @Ælfwine will be stepping down from her role as Community Manager for Elvenar's US worlds.
In the meantime, we welcome @Muf-Muf as our interim Community Manager during this transition time, while we are looking for a permanent replacement for Ælfwine. You may know Muf-Muf from our International worlds, and we are very thankful for his support.
Ælfwine joined Elvenar 5 years ago, building and developing...
Changes in Community Management
We are very sad to announce that @Ælfwine will be stepping down from her role as Community Manager for Elvenar's US worlds.
In the meantime, we welcome @Muf-Muf as our interim Community Manager during this transition time, while we are looking for a permanent replacement for Ælfwine. You may know Muf-Muf from our International worlds, and we are very thankful for his support.
Ælfwine joined Elvenar 5 years ago, building and developing...
Changes in Community Management