
Enshrouded Dev Tracker

29 Jan


What a goofy looking bug haha, good find :)


Good idea! Will share it with the team <3

You should also share it here and upvote it if you're interested in it, it helps our team know what our players are most interested in :) https://enshrouded.featureupvote.com/


Love it! We also have a channel in our Discord server for players to show off their builds, you should share it there :) https://discord.gg/enshrouded


This is probably one of my favorite things our players have been doing, it looks so good 🙏


As hilarious as this is we should probably find a way to make it less likely to happen 😂 Thank you for your sacrifice


Originally posted by weedz420

You guys have the best building in any game I've ever played. Being able to go right down to basically individual stones lets you do so much.

Thank you! We built our engine from scratch to make our building/terraforming happen, so it makes me so happy to see people having so much fun with it <3


Originally posted by DARKSTAIN

Game is amazing. I find it relaxing and really fun!!! One thing I ask is, can you please separate the quests to be individual per player? I have a lot of friends who are disheartened because they are missing quests.

Yeah I've talked about this in other threads but the team is aware this is a common complaint and is looking into solutions :)

26 Jan

Greetings, Flameborn!

What a week it’s been for Enshrouded! We’ve been quite literally overwhelmed with the amount of support we’ve seen. After nearly choking on our celebratory drinks, we got back to work. But before we talk about what’s ahead, allow us to share a couple of reviews we liked:

IGN 8/10: https://www.ign.com/articles/enshrouded-review

RPG Site 8/10: ... Read more
Version number: 487903

Greetings, Flameborn!

We have just released a new hotfix addressing the following problems:

• Fixed a rare issue that could lead to world and character save data stopping to update correctly.

Please check the ... Read more

25 Jan

Version number: 487224

Greetings, Flameborn!

We have just released a new hotfix addressing the following problems:

• Several crashes have been fixed.
• Fixed a rare crash in the building menu.
• Fixed an issue that caused that the game wouldn’t start and show a message “Failed to initialize the graphics system” on older AMD graphics cards.
• CPUs that do not support AVX should now be able to host sessions with more than 2 players.

• Fixed an issue that on framerates above 60fps the mouse wheel could skip steps (mostly in the action bar and building menu).

Please check the ... Read more

24 Jan

Version number: 487224

Greetings, Flameborn!

We have just released a new hotfix addressing the following problems:

• Several causes for random crashes have been fixed.

• Fixed an issue that could lead to the session invite popup to incorrectly remain on the screen.

23 Jan

17 Jan