Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

16 Aug

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, as mentioned to you before, your ban case on the Discord server was already reviewed and it is final. 



14 Aug

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We installed a small client update that fixed trading 228 errors.

All players need to download the update via the launcher.

14 минуты назад, Chernobyl_52 сказал:

В ближайшее время мы планируем установить небольшое обновление клиента, в котором были исправлены ошибки торговли и 228. Всем игрокам нужно будет скачать обновление через лаунчер.

Мы установили небольшое обновление клиента, в котором были исправлены ошибки торговли 228. Всем игрокам нужно скачать обновление через лаунчер.


В ближайшее время мы планируем установить небольшое обновление клиента, в котором были исправлены ошибки торговли и 228. Всем игрокам нужно будет скачать обновление через лаунчер.

    Natalino on Forums - Thread - Direct
10 minutes ago, Spoof05 said:

Just had the run the run of a lifetime got and as im unload game crashes come back into all the sav stuff gone. have video of it and the loot and sadly just makes me enevr want to play again. Been playiing three years now and sadly this might be the end. and when they say supoort its the most limited poo ive ever seen. It might as well say ( f you) please help or fix this game I have videos of the loot and everything even though they took highlights out of the game and what not plz contact me bc 3 years in and this is the only think ive bitched about ever

Sorry this happened to you mate. But we do not return loot that might be lost due to crashes, disconnects, etc. The only time we compensated for is when there is a mass issue where thousands and thousands of players are affected and we provide the same thing for everyone. Handling and reviewing such things takes lots of...

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13 Aug

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are aware of error 228 that occur in the hideout crafts and in trading for some players and are working to fix it.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are aware of error 228 that occur in the hideout crafts and in trading for some players and are working to fix it.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Мы осведомлены о возникающих у некоторых игроков ошибках 228 в производстве убежища, торговли и работаем над их устранением.

Благодарим за терпение и понимание.


Установка обновления завершена!


  • Оптимизации потребления памяти.
  • Баг отображения статуса заряженности гранатомета. 
  • Баг, при котором не работала генерация цены биткоина, привязанная к реальности.
  • Баг с шейдером стекол (забрал). 
  • Ошибка при покупке товаров за обмен на жетоны. 
  • Баг, когда персонаж не выходил с локации, после реконнекта на выходе “поезд”. 
  • Различные исправления поведения ботов. 
  • Различные баги и проблемы на локациях. 
  • Различные мелкие баги и проблемы.

Сегодня в 12:00 МСК мы планируем начать установку обновления Это займет примерно 2 часа, игра будет остановлена на это время.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Today at 12:00 Moscow time we are planning to install an update

It will take 2 hours approximately, the game will be stopped for this period.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Today at 12:00 Moscow time we are planning to install an update

It will take 2 hours approximately, the game will be stopped for this period.

12 Aug


Завтра в 12:00 МСК мы планируем начать установку обновления Это займет примерно 2 часа, игра будет остановлена на это время. Список изменений будет опубликован позже.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct
7 minutes ago, HijackDallas said:

Wait... just for this very day?

No, there was a typo, it's already fixed, sorry!

Works are accepted until 12.09.2020 (inclusive). 

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

While in Tarkov you make your way playing as PMCs and as a Scav. Each of your raids is unique and diverse, and the end of it can be both positive and completely disappointing. It all depends on the equipment, your experience, knowledge and a little luck — all this forms your adventure in the raid.
What kind of adventures do you encounter in the game? Tell us! 
We are launching a creative contest for the #EscapefromTarkov community. 

You will need to choose one of the options and tell the story: 
1 "One day in the life of a PMC” 
2 "One day in the life of a Scav” 
How to participate? 
1. Choose the topic that you like the most (PMCs / Scav). 
2. Record and upload video on chosen topic. 
3. Make sure that the video does not exceed 10 minutes in length. Shot in HD/FullHD. It also should have a good visual quality. 
4. Make sure to include "Escape from Tarkov - one day of your life” in the t...

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11 Aug



12 августа с 01:00 МСК до 03:00 МСК наш хост будет производить технические работы на серверах.

Регионы в которых будут проводиться работы:

  • Франкфурт, Германия
  • Страсбург, Франция
  • Сент-Луис, США

Технические работы могут привести к кратковременной потере соединения.

Приносим свои извинения за доставленное неудобство. Благодарим вас за понимание.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

From August 11 (22:00 UTC) to August 12 (00:00 UTC) our host-provider will provide some planned maintenance works.

Affected regions:

  • Frankfurt, Germany
  • Strasbourg, France
  • St. Louis, United States

It can lead for short losses of connection in the game during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience and understanding

06 Aug

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

It's time to announce the first place in our Night raids video contest and it goes to imonster

It also wins the community award!


And thank you for all your submissions in our contest!

You can see imonsters submission in the link below.


05 Aug

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

It's time to announce the second place in our Night raids video contest and it goes to SgtPrepperTV


You can see SgtPrepperTV's submission in the link below.

1st place will be announced tomorrow!