Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

29 Jan


sorry! accuracy calculation was f*cked up for long time ago. we will fix it (as well as other mistakes in after raid stats calculation)


Originally posted by azenuquerna

Hey folks,

I saw /u/habean's thread on snipers about two weeks after the discussion had ended, but wanted to contribute what I've found via testing that is one of the primary contributing factors to the difficulty of long-range shooting in EFT.

The main difficulty right now is handling the very exaggerated bullet drop at extended ranges. (It's exacerbated by the issues we have with how zeroing/FOV interacts, but separate note on that later.) The cause of that bullet drop is not an issue with the muzzle velocity itself, but rather the drag model that is being used (though this assumes that gravity is not totally wrong).

IRL, bullets have a measured ballistic coefficient (BC), which expresses how much more drag they suffer than compared to a standard reference bullet. The two primary reference bullets that are com...

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you are right. current ballistic system needs changes to make it more "professional". we have big plans on it


Originally posted by Spikex8

I agree 200% i would much rather have numbers than flavor text.

we are actively thinking about it


Originally posted by archdukeofswag

The current sights are set for a "Center Hold", while I think some people are used to "6 o'clock Hold". This videoshows this example on the SKS, but through gameplay I can attest that it applies to the AK's and pistols as well. Naturally, sights tuned for 50 meters would require you to aim higher at close range, but the video also shows that this is not a zeroing issue, since even at range the bullets still land in the middle of the post rather than at the tip.

So to accurately hit something, you need to basically cover up your target with your sights. This is fine in most other games like Insurgency where you're mostly spraying down people at the body, but in Tarkov where scoring headshots is key, this can prove problematic. You can't see your target accurately if they're behind the front post of your sig...

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hm, interesting. i noted that


Originally posted by ladicx

I ran the arsenal room about 20 raids tonight and the loot seems to be heavily nerfed or somehow I had 20 bad runs. I have both keys and typically I would see high end loot 95% of the time very rarely did I not get things like bitcoins, rolers, and statues. I'm curious if the devs nerfed it.



Originally posted by Itachi_Rust

Literally you go near ANY of the elevators you get shot through the whole thing by raiders if you see them or not, if there's is a list of f**king things to fix in this game, this is #1. This is the most unfulfilling ways to die in this game cause there's no chance if living anytime you walk up the stairs or near the elevators.

we know - will be fixed in the next patch


Originally posted by BeardoftheManwhore

Hey Nikita, I noticed this when I was testing in offline. I'm not sure how relevant this is to fix, sooner or later haha, but I thought it's worth pointing out just incase there is something bigger at play.

oh. ok. offline could be it


Originally posted by destruktoid1

By remodelling you mean it may come back in the future with a new model?



Originally posted by RogueWarrior_

So while I was streaming and doing some labs raids, I had killed all the raiders and started to loot them until this happened . I do not know what caused it or how to fix it it. It was a constant drag like movement that I could not control. I tried almost everything to stop it but nothing worked. I eventually just used to get to the extract (luckily I was close) and it never happened after that. I would just like to know fi someone can fix this or tell me what not to do next time.

trying to replicate it. did you send a bugreport?


Originally posted by JCglitchmaster

This scope was previously only available through completing a task from peacekeeper. It looks like this:

It's identical to the two Elcans scopes we have in the game at the moment except one major thing, this one has no iron sights. "Well why would you want that" I hear somebody asking, glad you asked. Simply put, if I want a backup optic on the current Elcan scope I will use a canted red dot sight so getting to that with the current Elcans means going from scope, Elcan iron sights then canted RDS. This in in of itself would not be an issue, if the sight picked didn't change back to the zoom optic everytime you heal, or drink, or throw a grenade or do literally anything that isn't reloading or aiming down the sight. Meaning I spend more time dicking about trying to get back to my close range optic than I do actually using the close range optic.

Another thing you may think ...

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old one. removed due to remodelling


really cool! but i can see that 7.62x39 info is wrong..

28 Jan


Originally posted by tackaberry

You get a backend error with a bunch of gibberish in the text box? It is because Comcast is trying to inject their warning message that you've used X% of your monthly data. I get the same issue, but all you have to do is go to any website you normally browse and click around on a bunch of links until the message pops up. Then go back into Tarkov and try to log in again. It has happened to me 5 times this month as I reached my 1TB limit, but after clearing the message in chrome it has always allowed me to log in to the game. Hope it helps.

Edit: Here is the thread I found to help when I had the original issue - here

yes. that what we discovered too some time ago


Originally posted by HollisFenner

The reason that I didn't send in a ticket is because it seems to be a rampant issue over the past 2 years. If the devs knew how to fix it, this wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

give me a ticket number plz


Originally posted by CloseHarmV2

Yea, lets hope u/trainfender will respond to this post so that we can see what is causing this.

will do additional check


Originally posted by snek_of_tarkov

Here is the gif:

  • The test was with a 510mm barrel.
  • Both choke and no choke have the same result. (Choke does not work)
  • The spread appears to avoid the center of the aiming point.

The real issue:

  • Spread is far too wide at 10 meters. Take a look at any amount of youtube videos of similar barrel shotguns being tested with buckshtot, they have fist-sized spreads at well beyond 30 meters.

  • In EFT the spread is so wide, it appears it was intentionally nerfed like this to avoid players getting one shotted by shotguns. I remember over 2 years ago, the spread was much tighter.

  • Can the devs please fix this and make shotguns have a realistic tight spread. They have shooting range data that they can use for that. It makes no sense to make them have Team Fortress 2 cartoo...

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we will look into it


Originally posted by BaQstein_

Do you guys remember the time when every second post was a complaint about cheater? Or when BSG announced that they were developing their own anticheat program and were hated for it.

BSG you did a great job! i haven't seen a cheater in a long time and the posts have disappeared too.

Keep up the fantastic work!

believe it - we are working and making progress in this. we just cant talk much about it, we can't announce updates about AC and so on. this year started as the most efficient period of cheater busting so let us advance


Originally posted by Marksman-

That’s the Russian speaking one though, no? Or is there going to be an English speaking section hosted too?

yes, english will be hosted there too