Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

25 Jan


oh yes! but there are issues with helmet components and gasmask. they will be fixed with the next wipe


Originally posted by Panishev

tl;dr each successful scav raid gives access to better geared scav for next raid, resets when raid is failed.

May add additional requirements for balance and to avoid abuses, for example: need xx time spent in raid, xxx exp gained, only non-party scav raids count.

1st variant

In this variant you basically get better geared scav after each successful raid, let's call it level. You get better geared scav until you die in raid. After failed raid you start grinding from the scratch, with the worst geared scav. There is a limit for levels, after finishing raid with best geared scav you start from the beginning.

Here is rough example on how "leveling" would work (note, it's not balanced, so don't pay attention to gear itself):

1. First level worst gear in the game. Weapon: Makarov, TOZ, 10-rounds VPO-209. No armor, no helmet, scav vest or no vest, bandage and/or AI-2;

2. Second level ...

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interesting idea


Originally posted by fantom2415

Mods deleted the previous post for breaking rule 1 and 7. This post neither summons a BSG employee, nor is it a ban appeal. It’s a PSA to everyone else because I see other threads with this this.

I got home from work last night (11pm EST) and downloaded the update and was met with an insta-ban. I'm not going to bother pleading my case that I don't cheat because no one cares.

The ban email didn't come until after I downloaded the update and the date of ban says "effective January 25th, 2019". I received a 205 error instantly and then the ban email. This leads me to believe that downloading the update triggered something incorrectly. Seeing this EXACT issue happen to someone else leads me to believe this is a wider issue. Be careful when downloading the updates, you might be left with a banned account and no recourse.

EDIT: Since it's evident BSG won't acknowledge any mistakes, are adament that their anti-cheat never returns a false positive and it's clear N...

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it's not true. update didn't cause any ban. please.


let's test it and see how it will be


Originally posted by FlyingThunder2992

So did you automate this, or did you manually change it on every place on every map? Just curious

working on different methods


Originally posted by trainfender

no, it will be removed it places where you physically can't hear sound above-below

removed/reduced i mean


Originally posted by NoFoodAfterMidnight

Right now we want to make some changes to get rid of this "false" sounds through feet-thick concrete and so on. This will improve overall positioning by clearing the sound scene. After this we plan to implement new-from-scratch sound system.

Does this mean vertical sound is just going to be removed entirely?

no, it will be removed it places where you physically can't hear sound above-below


Originally posted by [deleted]


much love to you, bot, too


Helloooooo peopleeeee! Glad to "see" everybody in good mood (or not). Want to tell you about whats going on in the studio right now.

So, as you know, we are working on the next intermediate patches with FIXES and OPTIMIZATIONS mostly.

So, here is some main tasks we are working on.

Freezes and stuttering. Performance issues.

Already fixed several issues which cause stuttering and freezes. Also optimizing optic scopes (picture-in-picture), grass rendering, applying overall map optimizations and so on.

Fixing errors related to server performance.

To decrease d-syncs and lags. Also door syncs, raid start lags, server crashes being addressed - we will try to fix as much as possible.

Improved vertical sound positioning.

Right now we want to make some changes to get rid of this "false" sounds through feet-thick concrete and so on. This will improve overall...

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Originally posted by MinecraftGreev

So for example, instead of the DVL trade requiring 8 lvl 30+ dogtags, it would require 240 "levels" of dogtags. So, 8 lvl 30s, 6 lvl 40s, or 24 lvl 10s. Would make low level dogtags less useless and make some of the low level dog tag trades make more financial sense.

Just reposting my suggestion from a month ago since Nikita seems to be reading reddit more.

planned long time ago, but still resting in magicbox called "tier 3 dev plan"


Originally posted by Durtwarrior

Am I the only who feel there are too many "Nikita please this" and "Nikita please that" posts on this subreddit? There are many good posts about interesting subjects or small issues easily fixable. On The other hand, some of them are useless or could be deal with support. Please give the man a break and post about thing worth reading. Thank you Nikita for taking your free time to browse this sub and actually fixing issues that matters.

i'm trying my best to answer everything but this is impossible. so don't get mad or frustrated if im not answering. For example usually i can't answer this time cause i sleep. or trying to. Thanks!


Originally posted by errohr

I got the game 2 days ago and I work a full time job and somehow have 19 hours... I love this game and can’t get enough, I’ve been staying up until 2-3am everyday playing and getting to work late. I haven’t been this addicted since back in middle school. Thank you for making this game.

UPDATE Day 4: 46 hours...... 2 days off of work..... it's getting serious.

you are welcome and, always, rest from punishing Tarkov from time to time

24 Jan


Originally posted by Galaxize

Ive been playing the last 3 hours on shoreline and its only been raining. :/

just checked
right now it was a rain and now its over. also 2 hours ago was 20 mins rain. and 3 hours ago 20 min rain. its pretty often for this period of time anyway.


Originally posted by Galaxize

Seriously? Whats up with the rain. The last 10 raids Ive played have been rain. All week its just been constant rain. Only way to escape it is by playing Factory or Labs.

Super annoying.

again. int not true. 1-3 rains per day, 20-40 mins max


Originally posted by Twist_Frostyy

You are the best. I know it’s not much, but that would be so awesome to see. Thank you for taking the time to reply. Have a great night

in 5 mins some of headwear will be working with gasmask. need to test


Originally posted by CSG1aze

So a friend of mine bought EoD when he had a trial code active and now that his trial code has expired it says he doesnt even own the game. Hoping someone like u/trainfender can notice this post because none of his support tickets have been responded to in a week.

support is working 24/7. I can't do everything, sorry!


Originally posted by Twist_Frostyy

Nikita will we be able to wear a helmet over the GP-5 gas mask anytime soon?

its possible