Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

31 Jan


Originally posted by generaljudy0

A silly thing I was wondering:

Are you planning to fix the bug where you can’t change your USEC voice?

of course


Originally posted by OneMouseGaming

The way your team handled the issues with Lab this morning was spot on. Getting the game back up with most of the maps up, and simply closing the labs launch point was a great compromise.

It allowed your team to get labs functioning to your standards after the hotfix, and allows us to still get our tarkov fix.



Originally posted by wiserwithReddit

Didnt realize my text wouldn't show with the image. I already submitted a bug report, but I was hoping u/trainfender would see it here. This was after a single engagement with a single player. I did not shoot at or kill any other players or scavs. It was less than 3min into the raid. According to this I landed 16 shots with M856A1 and did 614 damage to armor. Because the player was in a bush I couldn't see exactly what gear he had but I know for certain he did not have fort or gen4 and positive he didnt have a helmet.

IDK if some calculation got messed up with the latest patch but to do 614 damage to armor would be zeroing out fort over 7.5 times.

investigating, thanks for your info


Originally posted by DOOM_INTENSIFIES

What about the matching issue on the SA server nikita?

lookin into it


Originally posted by Personalpotato

Nikita please reply to my comment I wanna tell my friend that you love me



Originally posted by Vol3n

Did you find the bug that drops your fps by 20-30 or more when you scope in with your limited internal testing team?

of course. this task is pretty hard to keep fancy pic in pic feature and have high performance at the same time. anyway - we have some solutions and already working on them


Originally posted by ragegamr

What about a server fix? Dunno about the other countries, but the Aussie ones are a bit iffy ;)

it's because of the massive intake of players with the addition of Labs which I understand, but surely having a bit more of a player base shouldn't render the game unplayable? I guess eventually the servers will return to normal once the server population starts going back down, so it'll eventually be alright to play again.

Keen to do some labs runs once players and raider scavs start walking around rather than teleporting :D

And I won't mention the frame stutters, understandably that'd be the focus for you guys currently :) Great work on the rest of course!

servers are always in constant monitoring. Besides software issues there are always hardware issues


Originally posted by Vol3n

Pretty hard work indeed. 1-2 months will be enough?

its not that we fix it for 2 month already. this task is not highest priority right now


Originally posted by BoxMover1

Will Inverse Kinematics be coming back? also what about the new animations?

they are pretty expensive for performance right now. maybe in future they will return


Originally posted by LIMIT_bro

Thanks Nik, also hmu if you need anymore voice actors or writers. XD

edit: BTW that new song you released with labs was dope af. Definately loved the heavy metal vibe. Keep it up man.



Originally posted by Bladzzi

When are the new language packs coming out? I remember helping translate some items and item descriptions about 4 months ago

we hope really soon


Originally posted by MapleSyrupJunkie

Without going too deep into it, when people have the quest bugged, they cannot die, they simply "vanish" from the server when they get killed. If you reconnect you won't see their body, and they are back to the menu exactly as they were before entering the raid. It is a big problem right now. /u/trainfender this deserves a lot of attention if you haven't already got my ticket( #927410# ) PM me for more details, thank you.

got it, thanks!


Originally posted by RiotNaquadah

Thanks for being on here so much more lately and replying to threads and whatnot. I think the biggest thing that was causing hostility from some community members is that they felt like they were unheard. Really makes me excited to keep playing and reporting bugs and whatnot knowing you guys are listening :)

me and everybody doing our best. and always did


Originally posted by LIMIT_bro

Ahhh yes. Thanks for the reminder.

BTW, are we going to be able to link the weapon builds in-game? aka I can send a link to a friend and when he clicks it , it will save that build to his presets so he can use it? If not then no biggie.

there will be this feature in future


Originally posted by trainfender

thanks, will check it. next time better report it via bug tracker please

checked - 10 bucks on sell


Originally posted by Klaumbaz

I was selling stuff from stash for $$$ and noticed this. I thought i'd share.

Buy for $21, sell for $27

thanks, will check it. next time better report it via bug tracker please


Originally posted by awwnutslol

Yea, there should be a way to remove messages on the messager. They let you pin things, so why not have the opposite

will be


Originally posted by GettingGooD528


That sure is perfect report.


you forgot about weapon builds management)


Originally posted by Gamer4L
