Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

19 Jun


Через 15 минут мы планируем провести техническое обновление игры для улучшения стабильности игры. Игра будет остановлена.
Технические работы по обновлению займут примерно на 2 часа.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We added several new crafts and trader offers changes.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

We added several new crafts and trader offers changes.


В игру добавлено несколько новых крафтов и пачка изменений по торговле.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct
1 hour ago, Manucl said:

We need more servers for SA and we need them now!! :(

We plan to add more servers in SA soon, sir. We hear you.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

Before the Streets of Tarkov presentation at PC GAMING SHOW Nikita Buyanov gave a short interview at Game Mania channel, it was in Russian, below you can find a short summary of this interview translated by SneakyRU (


  • 2 patches are planned in the near future (12.6.2 + 12.7)
  • New Really cool Prapor quest in 12.6.2 and 12.7 will most likely contain the first grenade launcher
  • This grenade launcher will be the most basic of them not a thermobaric grenade launcher aimed at destroying building
  • Will Tarkov ever come to console? Yes its planned. In very active conversations happening on that fro...
Read more

18 Jun

18 minutes ago, Chernobyl_52 said:

Мы убрали возможность хранить данные контейнеры в рюкзаках: 

  • Кейс для вещей T H I C C 
  • Кейс для вещей 
  • Оружейный кейс T H I C C 
  • Кейс для хлама. 

Также, сейчас мы работаем над восстановлением данных контейнеров игрокам, у которых они пропали вследствие этого запрета. 

Приносим извинения за неудобства.

Эти контейнеры никогда не спавнились в рейдах.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct
16 minutes ago, ShiroTenshi said:

We have removed the ability to store these containers in backpacks:

Items case T H I C C
Items case
Weapon case T H I C C
Lucky scav junkbox.

Also, we are currently working on restoring these containers to players who lost them as a result of this restriction.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

This containers never spawned in raid

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct
15 minutes ago, ShiroTenshi said:

We have removed the ability to store these containers in backpacks:

Items case T H I C C
Items case
Weapon case T H I C C
Lucky scav junkbox.

Also, we are currently working on restoring these containers to players who lost them as a result of this restriction.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

This containers never spawned in raid.