Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

05 Jun

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

It's time to announce the 2nd place in our Escape From Tarkov art contest!

It goes to rustenico and his submission called “Road to Customs” - Acrylic on canson paper.

This was also a submission that got most of your votes and thanks to that rustenico also wins the Community Reward - Prepare For Escape Edition!


rustenico, please make sure to check your private messages on Discord!

1st place will be announced tomorrow!

04 Jun


Originally posted by SEMoslaw

Yep that will have to do for now. I've send a bug report maybe that will help. :P

it's intended


did more changes. 9x18 pbm was overbuffed for sure

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

It's time to announce the 3rd place in our Escape From Tarkov art contest!

It goes to TheOtherUs and his submission called "The Marked Room"!


TheOtherUs, please make sure to check your private messages on Discord!

2nd place will be announced tomorrow!

03 Jun


Originally posted by AlbaniaSama

Not necessarily internet. BSG lacks servers in a lot of countries/areas, so if you live in certain parts of the world, you're screwed. This wasn't an advertised feature when I bought the game, so I'm at a loss of what to do with my now corpsed game.

where do you live?


loot spawn chances were randomized more. like for example it was 25-30% chance, now it's 10-60%

Just now, MyshyakOfficial said:

Раньше был лимит пинга до кика 250, теперь 180, и будет 150-160? Я правильно понял?

26 minutes ago, Chernobyl_52 said:

Сейчас лимит пинга составляет 180, мы планируем ограничить его в районе 150-160.


1233 бана сегодня, 1300 банов вчера.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

1233 bans for today, 1300 bans yesterday.

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are currently problems accessing game servers in Seoul. Hoster has a problem and is already working to fix the issue.



  • Баны BattlEye (блокировок очень много, они происходят каждый день, мы все вместе дорабатываем систему, чтобы баны происходили как можно быстрее). С патча 0.12.6 (от 28 мая) почти 10.000 читеров было забанено. Большинство читеров банится, это всего лишь вопрос времени (и это как раз должно происходить как можно быстрее).
  • Мы создаем систему репортов с большим количеством дополнительных сборов статистики, эта информация будет использоваться вместе с BattlEye. И разумеется, подобные репорты не будут единственной причиной бана.
  • Мы также предпринимаем дополнительные контрмеры против читеров на игровых серверах (инстакик, инстабан).
  • Мы рассматриваем возможность ввода системы подтверждения учетных записей при помощи 2FA - SMS. Но это не простая задача и она не поможет сделать игру полностью без читеров (читеры, которые платят 200$ за чит, легко купят себе другую сим-карту или услугу виртуальной сим-карты). Это лишь сде...
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Originally posted by Shawzus

How long can your ping remain the upper limit?

Say your ping spikes to 200 how long do you have before sever disconnect?

Asking this mainly due to Australian internet being hopeless.

its not instant. pretty big amount of seconds you need to be off the limit

    TheWay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Escapers!

A few words about what's being done in terms of RMT and cheaters:

  1. BattlEye bans (a lot of them everyday, we are all together refining the system to ban them as fast as possible). From 12.6 patch start (from 28-th of May) almost 10 000 cheaters banned already. The situation is that most of the cheaters gets banned, it only a reason of time (which needs to be as soon as possible).
  2. We are making the report system ingame with a lot of additional stats gathering, this info will be used with BattlEye and it will not be one and only reason of ban.
  3. We are making additional countermeasures against cheaters on game servers (instakick, instaban).
  4. We are looking into 2FA SMS verification of accounts but it is not a simple task and it will not make the game cheater-free (cheaters, who pay 200 $ for a cheat will pay for another simcard or for a virtual simcard service easily). This will just make thei...
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