4 months
ago -
Direct link
General PSA, we're looking to release a hotfix addressing the Call to Arms bug, as well as some common Crashes later this week, on Wednesday assuming nothing breaks/changes before then.
In the mean time, if you wish to revert back to 1.37.2, detailed instructions on how to do so can be found here[forum.paradoxplaza.com]. The TLDR version is you can do so in steam via Properties > Betas > 1.37.2
Thanks for your patience and understanding!
In the mean time, if you wish to revert back to 1.37.2, detailed instructions on how to do so can be found here[forum.paradoxplaza.com]. The TLDR version is you can do so in steam via Properties > Betas > 1.37.2
Thanks for your patience and understanding!