about 2 months ago - PDXRyagi - Direct link
Originally posted by Jean-Maurice Nya: No, they don't work here, they come from time to time but they don't work here. And I suggested nothing per se. They haven't the skills and means to produce the RTS I want. No company has.

The Devs do in fact see suggestions and comments on steam forums ;)

However it's true the Official forums are a much more direct line of communication, and to be frank more suited for direct feedback compared to steam forums.

Here the feedback is more filtered and distilled.
about 2 months ago - PDXRyagi - Direct link
Originally posted by MarVerine:
Originally posted by PDXRyagi:
The Devs do in fact see suggestions and comments on steam forums ;)

However it's true the Official forums are a much more direct line of communication, and to be frank more suited for direct feedback compared to steam forums.

Here the feedback is more filtered and distilled.
Would you be so kind and show proof how the forum is less "filtered and distilled" than steam. For a company that relies harder than any other developer on the community to fix their lackluster releases you guys sure are hard on censorship.

Not sure what you mean by "proof". But I can give a hypothetical example to illustrate what I mean.

If 20 people in a steam thread say "Ulm infantry have too many bonuses! They are too strong!" in 20 different ways, that gets filtered down and forwarded on as "Ulm infantry are too strong right now, the community would like to see nerfs"

If 5 people in a thread on the forums say "This particular Ulm bonus is too strong, it should be nerfed, here is why". The comment itself with all it's context is more likely to read by devs directly, rather than be filtered down to the base idea and forwarded on by community representatives like myself. This is why if you have specific points you want to deliver, the forums are better. But for broader or more simple feedback, we do very much hear you here!

As for any Tinto Talks related feedback, that feedback is for the moment required to be posted on the forums. We are after all in the EU4 steam discussions, not the Project Caesar or Tinto steam discussions page :p

As for censorship. I can only assume you are referring to forum moderation? Yes our forums are heavily moderated, and this is largely because of the high interactions from devs themselves. Game devs like feedback, but if that feedback is hostile then at best it does nothing and at worst it demoralizes team members and harms development.

"This new Ottomans feature is the worst thing ever, and I hope whoever made it gets fired!" and "The new Ottomans feature is lacking for me, here are some of my ideas for how to improve it" are two very different ways to give feedback. If you want your feedback to get anywhere, the best way about it is to be constructive and be nice.