about 14 hours
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Winter is over and spring has begun. What better way to bring some extra warmth into your life than... checks notes. Playing EU4? Whether you're conquering the world or making it by with a single province and a dream, we hope you enjoy our latest EU4 Spring Sale.

Be sure to check out our starter edition at 80% off if you are brand new to EU4.
Or if you've been around and are just looking to complete your content collection, the dynamic ultimate bundle might be more your speed.
Not interested in bundles? you can also find our individual DLCs discounted below:
Winter is over and spring has begun. What better way to bring some extra warmth into your life than... checks notes. Playing EU4? Whether you're conquering the world or making it by with a single province and a dream, we hope you enjoy our latest EU4 Spring Sale.

Be sure to check out our starter edition at 80% off if you are brand new to EU4.
Or if you've been around and are just looking to complete your content collection, the dynamic ultimate bundle might be more your speed.
Not interested in bundles? you can also find our individual DLCs discounted below:
Winds of Change - 20% Off
Domination - 20% Off
Leviathan - 35% Off
Emperor - 35% Off
Dharma - 35% Off
Cradle of Civilization - 45% Off
Mandate of Heaven - 35% Off
Mare Nostrum - 35% Off
The Cossacks - 70% Off
El Dorado - 70% Off
Res Publica - 70% Off
Wealth of Nations - 70% Off
- Conquest of Paradise - 70% Off
King of Kings - 20% Off
Lions of the North - 35% Off
Origins - 40% Off
Golden Century - 40% Off
Rule Britannia - 40% Off
- Third Rome - 40% Off
Ultimate Sprite Pack - 20% Off
Ultimate Music Pack - 60% Off
Sounds from the Community - Kairi Soundtrack Part III - 50% Off
Guns, Drums and Steel Volume 3 Music Pack - 60% Off
- Guns, Drums and Steel Volume 2 Music Pack - 60% Off