Hey folks! Ryagi here, today features our first ever multiplayer focused mod spotlight! We’ll be taking a deep dive into a toolset initially created for TurboLarp's
Grandest Lan.
Now you might be thinking “I’m not playing at the Lan, so what good does this mod do for me?” well that dear EU4 player is where I invite you to let your imaginations run wild! Especially if you are interested in EU4 Multiplayer. A toolset such as this can prove hugely useful for curating the perfect multiplayer environments, and enhancing your MP experiences.
Figuring out how best to utilize this toolset for yourself may be easier if we give you some examples. So let's go ahead and take a look at how this mod was used for this years
Grandest Lan, and from that hopefully your ideas will run wild! I’ll let Game Master (And pro modder) Lunar take it away:

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