6 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
6 months ago - BjornB - Direct link
Greetings all!

We are aware that our latest patch seems to have been causing some issues - this was obviously not our intention. We should have responded quicker to your concerns, and for failing to do so we are sorry. Thank you to all of you whom helped your fellow gamer to rollback game version and other workarounds.

Save games should be unaffected by this hotfix. although no guarantees can ever be given.

As always, please report any issues in our bug report forum[forum.paradoxplaza.com] or submit a support ticket[support.paradoxplaza.com]

Hotfix 1.37.4 Patch Notes

# Bugfixes
- Fixed a bug not allowing to split boats into two navies with reorganize window outside of harbors while the game is unpaused as the window disapped when a day passed.
- Fixed land unit types being changed while teching up.
- Fixed a CTD with countries being full annexed by a 3rd party while at war
- Fixed a CTD with auto peace deals
- Removed a cooldown on AI leaving coalitions.
- Moved the separatist sentiment delay to immediate
- Fixed the button to call allies to wars.