7 days
ago -
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Conquerors! we bring you news of another sale, this time with a Twist... For a limited time, Europa Universalis 4 and Victoria 3 are bundling up to face the Autumn chills together!
This dynamic bundle is now offered on Steam here:
Aside from Gold and Glory, we also wanted to highlight that Paradox Interactive is taking part in this years Autumn sale on Steam! With discounts up to 90% off.
For new players new we highly recommend our starter edition, currently 80% off.
If you're new also feel free to check out our player resources[pdxint.at]
For collectors of all the DLC the ultimate bundle might be more up your alley.
If you're not interested in bundles, you can also find our individual DLCs discounted below:
This dynamic bundle is now offered on Steam here:
Aside from Gold and Glory, we also wanted to highlight that Paradox Interactive is taking part in this years Autumn sale on Steam! With discounts up to 90% off.
For new players new we highly recommend our starter edition, currently 80% off.
If you're new also feel free to check out our player resources[pdxint.at]
For collectors of all the DLC the ultimate bundle might be more up your alley.
If you're not interested in bundles, you can also find our individual DLCs discounted below:
Winds of Change - 20% Off
Domination - 20% Off
Leviathan - 35% Off
Emperor - 35% Off
Dharma - 35% Off
Cradle of Civilization - 45% Off
Mandate of Heaven - 35% Off
Mare Nostrum - 35% Off
The Cossacks - 70% Off
El Dorado - 70% Off
Res Publica - 70% Off
Wealth of Nations - 70% Off
- Conquest of Paradise - 70% Off
King of Kings - 20% Off
Lions of the North - 35% Off
Origins - 40% Off
Golden Century - 40% Off
Rule Britannia - 40% Off
- Third Rome - 40% Off
Ultimate Sprite Pack - 20% Off
Ultimate Music Pack - 60% Off
Sounds from the Community - Kairi Soundtrack Part III - 50% Off
Guns, Drums and Steel Volume 3 Music Pack - 60% Off
- Guns, Drums and Steel Volume 2 Music Pack - 60% Off
Ultimate E-book Pack - 60% Off
- China History Lessons - 50% Off