6 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
6 months ago - BjornB - Direct link
Hey everyone - Today we released patch 1.37.3, containing about 170 fixes. The patch is mainly focused on fixing King of Kings and Winds of Change content. Fixing CTDs, Diplomacy and Warfare related issues.

As always, please report any issues in our bug report forum[forum.paradoxplaza.com] or submit a support ticket[support.paradoxplaza.com]. Keep in mind while these changes shouldn't affect 1.37.0/1/2 save games too profoundly, as usual we can't 100% guarantee stability with saves. So it is recommended that you roll back to 1.37.2[forum.paradoxplaza.com] before continuing any ongoing campaigns!

# Interface

# Other
- Hovering over the river crossing icon in province view will now highlight all other provinces with river adjacencies.

# Usermodding

# Other
- Added the on_expanded_infrastructure_removed on_action.

# Script

# Decisions
- The "Form Great Yuan" decision now removes the Altaic cultures from being accepted.
- Georgia can no longer move the capital to Constantinople if the province is not inside a state.
- The "Form Austria-Hungary" administrative technology requirement has been changed from 20 to 18.
- "Adopt Aztec Traditions" now highlights the province of Mexica and provinces owned by Aztecs.
- The “Transfer Nitra” decision is no longer visible if the Slovakia area is directly owned.
- The "Unite with the Iberian Crown" decision is now only visible if Castile or Spain are not subjects and they are valid Personal Union targets.

# Events
- Separatist sentiment event now has a cooldown of 180 days to discourage keeping the event open instead of clicking the option.
- Elections no longer trigger the "Mummification of the Dead" event.
- The Aztec event “Deites of Nahua does not list the National Unrest for Quetzalcoatl option tooltip.
- The Dutch event “The Throne of England” now properly checks for DLC on the first option.
- The Dutch event “The Thorne of England” now properly spells “Man Of Wars”.
-The Dutch event "The Throne of England" event now grants a naval reformer advisor.
- “The Great Council of the Low Countries” can only fire for Burgundy now.
- The “Mongol Peace” event removes previous modifiers and grants “Pax Mongolica” modifiers.
- The event "Mongol Peace" now clarifies that only future rulers will gain the Conqueror trait.
- Yuan released through the Timurid Event "Yuan Campaign" now inherits technology and ideas from its overlord.
- Changing the culture group to Gothic Germanic with the “The Court of Alexis” event, will now change the culture of the ruler and heir as well.
- The event "Independence of the Egyptian Eyalet" will now always trigger if Egypt is not an Eyalet under the Ottomans.

# Ideas
- Greater Armenian ideas are now properly assigned if the country does not have Armenian ideas.

# Missions
- Aztecs, Mayan nations, and Cusco now receive generic American missions without "Winds of Change" DLC.
- Random New World tags can no longer randomly get missions of specific American natives.
- The Mayan "Punish the Invaders" mission event preview now informs about the ability to convert the player technology group to High American.
- The "Expansion of Tenochtitlan" mission now has alternative rewards if the City of Tenochtitlan modifier is already present.
- The mission "Fall of the Isles" for the Sunset Invasion Tree will only highlight the Stonehedge province if the player owns 25 provinces in Britain except the one with the Stonehedge.
- The mission "La Rose et le Lys" for the Sunset Invasion Tree will only highlight Paris if the player owns 15 provinces in France excluding Paris.
- The "Iberian Windmills" mission for the Sunset Invasion Tree will only highlight Madrid if the player owns at least 15 provinces in Iberia excluding Madrid.
- The “Aztec Roads” mission will no longer spill out if the player has an estate with a long name.
- The mission tree no longer breaks when forming a Nation with High American Tree as an Aztec, Mayan, or Incan nation.
- Removed the ability for non-Cusco tags to see the tooltip informing of the Machu Picchu upgrade after the "Ground Shaker" mission
- The Dutch mission "Tales of Gold and Spice" now has an improved tooltip fixing an issue with the highlight.
- The Dutch mission "Question of the Confederation" now grants rewards properly.
- The Dutch mission "Ending the Sound Toll" requires to be the Netherlands.
- Duch Mission "Ending the Sound Toll" will no longer display the country's name for the "Diplomatic" way of completing the mission.
- Forming another nation as Bohemia no longer breaks the Bohemian mission tree.
- The Austrian mission "The Imperial Border" now takes into account HRE member subject provinces.
- The Austrian mission “Defeat the French” does not create new regiments as soon as the player converts France into a personal union.
- The Austrian mission "Iberian Relations” has an alternative trigger if Castile and Spain do not exist.
- The Hungarian mission "Weaken Austria" is now completeable when Austria is a subject of Hungary.
- The Italian Mission "Befriend Ethiopia" now has a fallback in case no Christian nations exist in the Horn of Africa.
- The German mission “Industrialize Rhineland” requires only 250 of development in Rhineland instead of 500.
- Forming any country that does not have any branching missions while allowing the preview for branching missions active will now remove the preview buttons properly.
- Horde missions now grant claims needed for the mission "Ending the Divine Wind".
- Horde missions now grant claims needed for the mission "Hermit Ender".
- Tatar missions now give claims on Tibet.
- The Moghulistan and Tatar mission tree now contain claims on Tibet.
- Horde mission "Into Iran" now gives claims on Persia.
- The Mongol mission "Tumu Crisis" now gives claims on Manchuria.
- "For the Horde" Hordes’ mission no longer says that it will rename the Clergy estate into the Shamans.
- The Mongol mission "Heart of Persia" now mentions the Persia Region instead of just Persia to avoid confusion.
- The Horde mission "Into Egypt" now has alternative rewards in case the player is not able to raze.
- The Horde mission "Siege Beijing" no longer gives duplicate claims for Mongols.
- The Hordes mission "Cross the Caucasus" effect now properly displays Legitimacy equivalents.
- Horde Mission "Opening the Dragon's Gate" no longer requires to directly own Ningxia.
- The Tatar Mission "Unify the Great State" can now be completed if the Mongol Empire is formed before the Golden Horde.
- Yuan mission "Emperor's Guard" now checks for Sino-Altaic cultured provinces.
- The Hormuzi/Omani mission "Arabian Thalassocracy" now has alternative rewards in case the player is already a Thalassocracy.
- The mission "Exploiting the Coffee's Secret" for Ormuzi/Oman now properly highlights the provinces if the player owns them.
- The Omani mission "Forts of Oman" now requires to have ownership of the province of Nizwa.
- The Omani mission "Indian Ocean Supremacy" now gives Monthly Arabian Mercantilism.
- The Omani mission "Indian Ocean Supremacy" no longer removes the merchant from the "Far East Company" modifier.
- The Hormuzi/Omani mission “The Overseas Outpost” mission now properly checks for DLCs and adds the effects for Trade Companies and Center of Trade if are unlocked.
- The Omani mission "Indian Ocean Supremacy" does not contain any more unnecessary dash marks in the tooltip.
- The "Befriend the Shah" mission of Hisn Kayfa no longer costs 50 of each monarch's power.
- Purple Phoenix Byzantine Missions "Restore the Pentarchy" and "The Eternal City" accept subject-owning provinces.
- The “Overthrow the Turkomen” mission for Armenia now discovers the Khorasan region instead of Persia, since Persia has already been fully discovered.
- Byzantium formed by Morea can keep its mission tree and can utilize branching missions.
- Theodorian mission "Basileus of the Balkans" no longer shows Great Projects reward if Leviathan is not enabled.
- The Theodorian mission “Return to Gothic Ways” is now applied properly to future provinces.
- The Theodorian mission "Russian Aristocracy" no longer shows both conditional rewards as completed.
- The Theodorian mission "Rival Genoa" no longer shows favors if the player does not have the correct DLCs.
- The Theodorian mission "A Merchant's Family Home" no longer keeps the Greek variant of Gothic culture if the player decides to change the Gothic culture to the Germanic one.

# Modifiers
- The Austrian province modifier "Hungarian Nobility Privileges" no longer gives global maluses.
- The Hungarian province modifier “Austrian Nobility Privileges” no longer gives global maluses.
- The Austria modifier "Bulwark of Catholicism" can’t be obtained twice.

# Setup
- The Theodorian Privilege “Italian Coastal Influence” is no longer present in the setup if the player does not have the Winds of Change DLC.
- Ala al-Dawla is now mentioned as a grandson of Gawhar Shad.

# Other
- Sunset Colonies can now declare their own wars.
- The Aztec Estate Privilege "Arm Lesser Nobles with Macuahuitl" is no longer removed when switching to High American Technology Group.
- Declare War for a Sunset Colonies no longer has unlocalized text.
- The Great Project “El Escorial” cannot be rebuilt after completing the "Iberian Windmills" mission.
- Old World Nations and Mesoamerican Tributaries no longer can have Mesoamerican Tributaries.
- The Austrian Government Reform “Great Council of Mechelen” has a proper localization in the confirmation window.
- The Dutch Goverment Reform “Seven Provinces” lists all the relevant modifiers.
- The “Dutch Revolt” disaster no longer requires less than 3 Stability for it to progress faster
- The Venician Government reform “Venetian Government” is available if the player forms Italy as Venice.
- "Rekindle the Hussite Wars" aspect of faith is no longer visible when Winds of Change DLC is disabled.
- The Timurids' privilege "Promote Ijazah" now prevents the estate from losing loyalty when seizing land.
- The “Mongol Brother Realms” subject type has an improved tooltip explaining that it does not cost any diplomatic slots.
- The Keshigs Mercenary company no longer costs Army Professionalism.
- The Keshigs Mercenary company no longer takes 15% more fire damage.
- Propagate Religion can now be maintained without needing a dominant religion if you use the Arabian plutocratic government's ability "Empower Religious Propagation”.
- The Turkoman Government reform “Modernized Turkoman Federation” is now also available for republics and theocracies.
- Theodorian Government Reform “Russian Mercenary Guard” has a proper localization in the confirmation window.
- The Theodorian diplomatic action requirements for “Recruit Foreign General” are now displayed properly.
- Armenian Government Reform "The Sparapet Office" has a proper localization in the confirmation window.

# Bugfixes

- Fixed a CTD when selecting a big amount of treaties in a peace deal.
- Fixed a CTD with missing submission_to_emperor triggered modifier.
- Fixed a CTD with “Restore dependency” casus belli.
- Fixed a CTD with automatic transportation and attached boats.
- Fixed a random new world CTD connected with areas.

# Warfare
- Units are no longer allowed to attach if they are movement-locked.
- Fixed an issue with attached units getting their movement canceled during a battle.
-Fixed incorrect display of force limit in different places.
- Fixed automatic army transportation bug with boats going to the wrong province.
- Fixed military view not showing leader traits in some cases.
- Fixed a monthly sailor gain overflow issue.
- Made pathfinding want to move through neutral territory more often in certain situations.
- Fixed boat attaching system not working.

# Diplomacy
- Vassals can no longer create Heathen Royal Marriages.
- Declaring war on the subject of a guaranteed nation now correctly calls in the guaranteers of the overlord.
- Vassalazing a nation that unconditionally surrendered in an offensive war will no longer make said nation stay in the war.
- Fixed missing tooltip for AI acceptance of a call to war when declaring on own tributary who is allied to another tributary.
- Fixed an uncommon issue for the “Sending gift” action being blocked without any reason.
- Removing a guarantee with treaties now properly creates a truce between the two nations.
- Fixed mission localization for declaring war on Incorporated Personal Union subjects.
- Annexed tags no longer retain their siege objectives.
- Fixed issue with the war declaration screen not showing the overlord of a tributary who in turn is the overlord of a vassal player is attacking.
- Signing a peace with a Mesoamerican vassal's overlord will no longer end the war with the subject if the subject was the war leader.
- Personal union-like subject types now correctly transfer over when their overlord becomes a junior partner in a personal union
- Allies now take into consideration land given to them in separate wars when calculating favors given/lost.
- Releasing a nation as a country with reformed native religion makes the new vassal also have the religion reformed.
- Coalitions now don't suddenly disband after reloading a save.
- Coalition members now leave them after reaching low AE.
- Countries with elective monarchy can no longer break their personal unions established in a succession war with ruler elections.
- Releasing a new nation now sets their unit types correctly.
- Full annexing a country now correctly gives negative liberty desire to your subjects if they were given land.
- Fixed incorrect description of modifier to enable transfer vassals treaty.
- Fixed a rare issue with nations not being able to declare wars because of a pending call to war action against a nonexistent country.
- Vassals no longer retain vassal independence support when they are transferred over after a war.

# AI
- AI subjects will not try to invade when set to a passive stance.
- AI now correctly takes into consideration PU seniors of an overlord of a vassal they want to attack.
- AI will no longer desire the land of others' vassals more than if the overlord owned that land.
- AI will no longer break a royal marriage after claiming a throne.

# Other
- Changing the religion of the HRE emperor to one from a different religious group will no longer dismantle the HRE immediately.
- HRE religious peace is now not locked behind Art of War DLC because it can be achieved by passing reform ”Proclaim Erbkaisertum” as well.
- Changed the tooltip for enforcing religious unity in HRE action to say that the actor will receive a CB on the recipient.
- Missing Art of War DLC will no longer hide the HRE religion icon.
- Fixed broken localization for the “Dismantling the Revolution” tooltip.
- Austria can no longer form Austria-Hungary while at war to prevent other bugs related to tag switching at war.
- Pronoias no longer give land to other nations when integrated.
- Tagging into different countries now correctly updates the leader list if there is only one leader in the country.
- Landlocked countries can get knowledge sharing again.
- Fixed technology screen changing the Institution map mode even when not going into the Institutions tab.
- Fixed constructions getting delayed in some specific situations in capitals and trade node capitals.
- Fixed incorrect flag being shown in text for colonial nations.
- hire_advisor and define_advisor effects are no longer limited to advisor level 3 if Cradle of Civilization is on.
- Setting holy order via an effect triggers abandonment and establishes the effects of those orders.
- Country Center of Trade modifiers now correctly get removed and added when a country loses or gains provinces.
- Scripted diplomatic actions now get updated correctly in the diplomatic window.
- Interesting countries now correctly change to new tags when another nation forms a new country.
- Revanchism now gets distributed according to the core development lost.
- Prestige penalty from signing a separate peace deal no longer takes into account only individual war score against War Leader.
- Colonies now don't need a port to allow their overlord to colonize next to them.
- Increased rate at which parliament seats are assigned if more than half of the seats is missing.
- Fixed custom ui error log spam.
- Limited amount of vassals Doom-using countries are getting.
- Previously granted permanent claims are now correctly awarded to the tag that was destroyed and re-formed.
- Fixed on_thri_yearly_pulses not firing.