EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

11 Jan


Story-loving capsuleers, 

Following its previous release in comic stores, the hardcover edition of EVE: The Capsuleer Chronicles is now available through retailers both physical and online, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and bookstores of all kinds near you! 

Experience the intersection of the lives of four independent capsuleers during the Triglavian Collective’s invasion of Raravoss, the first of twenty-seven systems that would eventually fall to the Collective and their ardent supporters a...

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10 Jan


Attention capsuleers,

It’s time to kick off yet another action filled year, as EVE gets closer to its 20th anniversary and the start of the third thrilling decade in New Eden. This year promises to be filled with intrigue, action, and events. In last week’s Producer’s Letter the roadmap for this year was revealed, followed by an in-depth look at the bright future of EVE in a ...

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09 Jan

Economic Capsuleers!

The Monthly Economic Report for December 2022 is now available!

You can download all of the raw data used in this report here. Each image can be enlarged by clicking on it.


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06 Jan


Uprisen capsuleers,

It’s an incredibly thrilling time to be a capsuleer in New Eden as we embark on a new year in EVE Online. The frontlines have been buzzing with activity and some big shifts are happening in the political landscape. Since the launch of the Uprising expansion in November 2022, the activity in New Eden has exceeded our wildest expectations with active player counts swelling since release and - more importantly - pilots being more active in space. Particularly notable has been the sharp 75% increase in PvP kills in lowsec as well as the 11% PvP kill increase in highsec despite the additional restrictions on ganking and changes to Abyssal Deadspace following the release. This has pushed industry and mining significantly, with navy ship production rising 14,709% and capital manufacturing seeing a 34% bump!

Now that we have entered a new year and are marching toward EVE’s 20th anniversary, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on last year, the latest expa...

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04 Jan


Dauntless capsuleers,

Enter a wonderland of wintry warfare in a one-day Abyssal Proving Ground event, teaming up with a companion and bringing the beatdown to your foes aboard mighty Tech I battleships!

This event begins at 11:00 UTC on 7 January, and runs until 11:00 UTC on 8 January.

The ruleset is as follows:

  • Only the Abaddon, Apocalypse, Armageddon, Raven, Rokh, Scorpion, Dominix, Hyperion, Megathron, Maelstrom, Tempest, Typhoon, and Praxis may enter this event.
  • 100% boost to afterburner speed.
  • 50% reduction to heat damage taken by modules.
  • 50% reduction to remote repair effectiveness.
  • Pilots receive 100 million ISK payout per match where they deal at least 15,000 damage.
  • Sensor dampeners, weapon disruptors, and shield boost amplifiers, rechargers, power relays, and flux coil modules cannot be fitted.
  • Auxiliary nano pump, nanobot accelerator, and core defense field purger, capacitor safeguard...
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03 Jan



The following page will list patch notes for all updates within this release (Version 20.11). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:

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28 Dec


Snowbound capsuleers, 

Embark into the storm in the next exciting Abyssal Proving Ground event, braving a blizzard of freezing free-for-all combat aboard deadly tech I destroyers! 

This event begins at 11:00 UTC on 30 December, and runs until 11:00 UTC on 2 January. 

The ruleset is as follows: 

  • Only the Coercer, Dragoon, Cormorant, Corax, Catalyst, Algos, Thrasher, and Talwar may enter this event. 
  • 100% boost to afterburner speed. 
  • 50% reduction to heat damage taken by modules. 
  • Sensor dampeners, weapon disruptors, and shield boost amplifiers, rechargers, power relays, and flux coils cannot be fitted. 
  • Maximum of one local repair module per ship (shield or armor). 
  • Modules and implants are restricted to meta level 0 (basic tech I). 

Grab your guns, afterburners, and Proving Ground Filaments (found in Abyssal Deadspace, Pochven, or on the in-game market), and extract glorification from the la...

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22 Dec


Planning capsuleers,

The festive season is a time for giving and planning ahead. Omega allows you to get access to more ships while MCT allows you to train an alt character, expanding your versatility in New Eden.

Treat yourself to Omega + MCT at 50% off with the following bundles available in the EVE Store:

  • 3 Months of Omega + 3 Months of MCT
  • 6 Months of Omega + 6 Months of MCT
  • 12 Months of Omega + 12 Months of MCT
  • 24 Months of Omega + 24 Months of MCT

Taking up this offer? Remember that MCT is not activated as soon as you purchas...

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20 Dec


Festive capsuleers,

It’s that time of year again, when we feast, exchange gifts, and reminisce about the past. And what a year it’s been! This year has seen exciting developments for EVE Online, including the release of the Uprising expansion, bringing new ships, updates to Factional Warfare, and more space goodies; the welcoming of Spanish speaking players into Nuevo Edén; the return of EVE Fanfest to Iceland; improvements to the new player experience; EVE Evolved setting the course for the future, with features designed to enhance the sensory experience of New Eden like never before; and so much more. New Eden is vibrant and full of life as EVE enters its 20th year, giving us even more cause for celebration.

This year was all about coming together. The EVE community is the lifeblood of New Eden, and this year was an amazing one, full of achievements, accomplishments, and incredible experiences. Together you’ve had fun blowing each other up, exploring the far reaches ...

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19 Dec


Knowledgeable capsuleers,

With the holiday season upon us and EVE Online’s 20th anniversary just over the horizon, the time has come to put out the call for player presenters at EVE Fanfest 2023!

While there are many exciting things in store for Fanfest, the lifeblood of any EVE gathering has always been the sharing of experiences, memories, connections, and knowledge between capsuleers from around the world. Whether in venue halls, on the Pub Crawl, around Reykjavik, or onstage at Fanfest, we want to provide ample opportunity to share your stories with space friends both old and new alike.

FanPhotoBig2 7152x4773

If you are a passionate and articulate capsuleer with a special area of interest in EVE, and are interested in giving a presentation at Fanfest 2023, be it on a playstyle, community, activity, mechanic...

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16 Dec

Festive capsuleers!

The 31st and final Community Beat of 2022 is here! For 62 weeks you’ve been generating content that we’ve been delighted to share and include in these news posts. Thank you all!

Let’s get tucked into what’s coming up this weekend and some of the events from the last few weeks:

Snowball fight - Luminaire this Sunday 18 December, 21:00 UTC!


Come on over to Luminaire VII (Caldari Prime) - Moon 6 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant - Bring your festival launchers, snowballs, and fireworks (or ask Commander A9 in Luminaire local chat for some) and join in for some fun and games in this year’s ...

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Attention capsuleers, 

Following the new Uprising expansion, New Eden is buzzing with activity. Factional Warfare affects everyone, no matter who you side with or fight for. It can therefore be imperative to stay on top of the latest developments on the Frontlines, and it is now easier than ever to get an overview of the skirmishes and conflicts brewing. 

There is now a brand new and exciting Frontlines page up and running, delivering live updates on the state of Factional Warfare in New Eden. The page features maps of conflict hotspots, information on the warzones, and a new video outlining how Factional Warfare works. Even more data will be added to the page througho...

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14 Dec


Ice-cold capsuleers, 

Fly into frigid one-on-one combat during the next Abyssal Proving Ground event, heating up the holiday season aboard festive Tech I cruisers! 

This event begins at 11:00 UTC on 16 December, and runs until 11:00 UTC on 19 December. 

The ruleset is as follows: 

  • Only the Omen, Caracal, Thorax, Stabber, Maller, Moa, Vexor, and Rupture may enter this event. 
  • 100% boost to afterburner speed. 
  • 50% reduction to heat damage taken by modules. 
  • Sensor dampeners, weapon disruptors, shield boost amplifiers, rechargers, power relays, and flux coils cannot be fitted. 
  • Maximum of one local repair module per ship (shield or armor). 
  • Modules and implants are restricted to meta level 0 (basic Tech I). 

Heat up your engines, pick up your Proving Ground Filaments (found in Abyssal Deadspace, Pochven, or on the in-game market) and make the most of the snowstorm as you strive for glorificatio...

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13 Dec


Festive capsuleers, 

The holiday season is coming to New Eden, and with it returns the ever-popular Winter Nexus series of events and rewards from 15 December 2022 until 3 January 2023! There is also a stuffed calendar of in-game updates and improvements to further spread the holiday cheer. 

Whether you’re logging in daily to grab your free gifts as part of the 13 Days of Nexus, enjoying the introduction of multiple overviews and updated Photon UI elements, or admiring new corp and alliance emblems on your ships, there’s something for every capsuleer in EVE this winter. 


The roaming Volatile Ice Storms will once again provide exciting and unique Wightstorm combat, mining, and hacking sites with awesome rewards across highsec, lowsec, and nullsec. Be sure to use your variety of Ice Storm Filaments from the daily login rewards or loot drops to transport yourself directly to (and from!) the action. 

The Wightstorm...

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09 Dec


Competitive capsuleers!

With the end of the year drawing close, it’s time to wrap up all things Alliance Tournament XVIII related for this year and look to the next!

Alliance Tournament XVIII Results – TRUTH. HONOUR. LIGHT. are this year’s Champions!

Just in case you missed the finals – TRUTH. HONOUR. LIGHT. under the captaincy of Dexter Xio, after three consecutive wins in a best of five final against Odin’s Call, came away as this year’s winners. Their alliance logo will be added to the other tournament winners’ monuments in the system of ...

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War-hungry capsuleers,

The face of war in New Eden has changed since the launch of Uprising, EVE’s latest narrative-driven expansion. The conflict between the four main empires has seen noticeable escalation over the last several months. They are beginning to directly intervene in the warzones, and the diplomatic ties they once shared seem to be increasingly ignored. The Uprising expansion ushered in a suite of new navy ships, corporation and alliance emblems for ships, new immersive Upwell hangars, and major changes to Factional Warfare (FW), signaling the future of war arriving to New Eden.

Now that the expansion has been live for several weeks, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the changes to Factional Warfare and give you a sneak peek into what’s coming up next in the warzone.


Before the Uprising expansion, one of the key desires of players was to make Factional Warfare easier to navigate and easier to loca...

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08 Dec


Collecting capsuleers,

For the last three years, EVE players have been able to own a small piece of New Eden in the form of beautiful 3D-printed EVE Online ship models thanks to our partnership with Integral Reality Labs. At the end of the year, however, these models will no longer be available.

If you've been planning to get your hands on these models for your EVE shrine or you need a Christmas gift for that special someone you met on Divinity Social...

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07 Dec

Prospecting capsuleers,

Two recent exploratory and regulatory developments between the factions and corporations of New Eden are set to disrupt the cluster’s industrial landscape next week:


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Factitious capsuleers,

Carry the interstellar animosities of Uprising into the Abyss in the next Proving Ground event, tag-teaming your opponents in turbulent 2v2 combat aboard top-of-the-line Empire Navy frigates!!

This event begins at 11:00 UTC on 10 December, and runs until 11:00 UTC on 12 December.

The ruleset is as follows:

  • Only the Imperial Navy Slicer, Crucifier Navy Issue, Magnate Navy Issue, Caldari Navy Hookbill, Griffin Navy Issue, Heron Navy Issue, Federation Navy Comet, Maulus Navy Issue, Imicus Navy Issue, Republic Fleet Firetail, Vigil Fleet Issue, and Probe Fleet Issue may enter this event.
  • Overheat bonuses for turrets & missile launchers as well as tackle, propulsion, repair, resistance, and energy warfare modules are doubled.
  • +500 bonus shield, armor, and hull HP for all ships that enter the arena.
  • Pilots receive 10 million ISK payout per match where they deal at least 2000 damage.
  • ...
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06 Dec



The following page will list patch notes for updates after the Uprising expansion launch within this release(Version 20.10). We invite you to join the player discussion about the content of this release on EVE Online forums:

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