over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

Dear Capsuleers,

We thank you for the time you’ve spent exploring the changes and providing valuable feedback. We’ve spent this week listening to podcasts, reading forum posts and blogs, and interacting with Discord communities and so forth. It’s rare for us to update Sisi (and post a Dev Blog) this early in the process, but this is an important one and we wanted as many eyes on it as possible.

We also want to thank the CSM for their input and help in shaping the plan, the details of which you can find below.

DISCLAIMER: As it will be evident by the end of this post, Singularity (our test server) is not up to date with these planned changes. We are working hard to have it updated as soon as possible.


Compression is a vital part of the Resource Redistribution phase as it will allow for significantly better logistics and trade. We want this to be a feature of the Industrial Command Ships, but we also want the user experience to be good, too. To that end, the update to compression will be delayed to early 2022 as we re-evaluate the implementation. Until then, existing compression methods will remain unchanged.

Mining Efficiency

One of our goals in this update was to elaborate on what it means to be a miner. Since the early days of EVE, mining has involved training some skills and flying one of a handful of ships that were deemed ‘the best’. There hasn’t been room for optimization or decision making, which is fundamentally not what EVE is about. With regards to the feedback around new players, we’ve altered the mechanics such that low yield modules have zero waste, and higher yield modules have more waste, following the paradigm established with the new mining crystals (see below).

In terms of the Industry index: mining waste is NOT going to be part of the ADM calculation.

The waste profile of mining modules and drones will change as per the following table:

Waste Probability
Tech I Modules 0%
Tech II Modules 34%
ORE Modules 0%
Tech I Drones 0%
Tech II Drones 34%
Augmented Drones 40%
Excavator Drones 60%

Named and some faction modules will be considered exception from the above profiles, and they will be updated individually.

Mining Crystals

Mining Crystals and the associated processing skills have had no major updates, though there have been some minor adjustments. As with everything in this proposal, these values are not final and might be re-examined before release.

See the following table for a full breakdown:

image image958×507 24.9 KB

Note: Mining crystals for moon ores are going to be included in the release. They will follow the same stats as the asteroid ore crystals as show in the tables above.
Note: On initial release Type C crystals will not trigger a PvP timer. This will be revisited after release.

Example: Modulated Strip Miner II with Type A II crystal will have a +80% mining amount bonus, the same Cycle Time, but have an additional +3.6% Waste Probability (taking it to a total of 37.6%.)

Rorqual Changes

As we transition the Rorqual from the absolute best solo mining ship to a more supportive role, offering PANIC, storing of ships, remote repairs, links, and a beefy tank, we want to ensure that these ships provide ample value on the field.

The below tables show the bonus changes on the Rorqual and the attribute changes on the Industrial Core modules, compared to current TQ values:

Capital Industrial Skill Bonuses TQ New
Drone Ice Harvesting Cycle Time -10% -6%
The rorqual will retain its 10% Drone Ore Mining yield
Industrial Core I TQ New
CPU 50 100
Power Grid 50,000 100,000
Drone Maximum Velocity Bonus 25% 30%
Drone Ore Mining Yield Bonus 400% 170%
Command and Mining Foreman Burst Range Bonus 150% 200%
Industrial Core II TQ New
CPU 55 150
Power Grid 55,000 150,000
Drone Maximum Velocity Bonus 30% 35%
Drone Ore Mining Yield Bonus 500% 300%
Drone Ice Harvesting Cycle Time -80% -85%
Mining Foreman Burst Strength Bonus 36% 40%
Command and Mining Foreman Burst Range Bonus 200% 250%

We are sure that by now on Singularity some of you may have discovered some ‘fleet jump’ options for the Rorqual. This is a WIP feature, and we look forward to giving you more insight into it soon!

Orca Changes

Similar to the Rorqual, we want to continue the transition for the Orca to be a value to other miners, while still giving it worth-while mining yield such that it’s not a position relegated to AFK-alt status. Many of the bonuses of the ship are being moved from the hull into the new Compact Industrial Core

Industrial Command Skill Bonuses TQ New
Drone Ice Harvesting Cycle Time -10% -2%
The Orca retains the +10% Drone Ore Mining Yield
Role Bonuses TQ New
Drone Ore Mining Yield 100% -
Drone Ice Harvesting Cycle Time -25% -
Compact Industrial Cores Tech I Tech II
CPU 50 75
Power Grid 100 150
Max Velocity -100% -100%
Drone Damage 40% 50%
Drone HP 40% 50%
Drone Maximum Velocity Bonus 10% 12.5%
Drone Ore Mining Yield Bonus 25% 75%
Drone Ice Harvesting Speed Bonus -25% -50%
Mining Foreman Burst Strength Bonus 10% 15%
Command and Mining Foreman Burst Range Bonus 75% 100%
Remote Repair Impedance Bonus -100% -100%
Shield Booster Duration Bonus -30% -30%
Sensor Dampener Resistance Bonus -75% -80%
Remote Assistance Impedance Bonus -80% -80%
Shield Booster Amount Bonus 20% 30%
ECM Resistance 100% 100%
Activation Duration 2.5 minutes 2.5 minutes
Consumption Quantity 250 500

Mining Frigates & Porpoise

All proposed changes to the Venture, Expedition Frigates, and Porpoise are being reverted with one exception: they will still be getting the additional Gas/Ice bays as relevant. Ninja mining, as a career, is something we absolutely love and have no intentions of removing this playstyle. Rather, we want to enable more playstyles on top of it.


Kryos mineral hold change should be +7,000 (total: 50,000).

Barges / Exhumers

Our goal with Barges and Exhumers is to create meaningful choice between survivability, yield, and ore hold. However, we understand that some of these ships are not survivable enough. To that end we’re working closely with the CSM to define the best approach, but our end goal is to significantly increase the EHP of all barges and all exhumers as well as their mining yield.

Gas bonuses have been added to the appropriate ships.

Below you can see the new values

# Covetor Current TQ new
Mass 30,000,000 15,000,000
Volume 200,000 150,000
Mid Slots 1 2
CPU 240 240
PG 30 70
Capacitor 312.5 350
Max Velocity 100 150
Agility 0.46 0.6
Shield Capacity 1,700 3,000
Armor HP 1,300 2,000
Structure HP 1,500 3,000
Max Lock Targets 6 5
Magnometric Scan Strength 8 9
Ore Hold Capacity 7000 7,500
Ice Hold - 7,000
Gas Hold - 7,000
Mining Barge Skill / Level
Strip Miner Range 5% 6%
Ice Harvester Range 5% 6%
Strip Miner Duration -2% -
Ice Harvester Duration -2% -3%
Strip Miner Yield - 3%
Gas Harvester Duration - -3%
Role Bonus
Strip Miner Duration -25% -25%
Strip Miner Activation Cost -25% -25%
Ice Harvester Duration -25% -30%
Ice Harvester Activation Cost -25% -25%
Gas Harvester Duration - -30%
# Retriever Current TQ new
Mass 20,000,000 17,500,000
Volume 150,000 150,000
Mid Slots 1 2
CPU 235 260
PG 35 83
Capacitor 250 350
Max Velocity 80 125
Agility 0.659 0.7
Shield Capacity 2,300 4,000
Armor HP 1,700 3,000
Structure HP 2,000 4,000
Drone Bandwidth 25 50
Drone Capacity 25 50
Max Target Range 30,000 40,000
Signature Radius 250 200
Cargo Hold 450 450
Ore Hold 22,000 25,000
Ice Hold - 22,000
Gas Hold - 22,000
Mining Barge Skill / Level
Ship Ore Hold Capacity 5% 5%
Strip Miner Duration 2% -
Ice Harvester Duration -2% -2%
Gas Harvester Duration - -2%
Strip Miner Yield - 3%
Role Bonus
Strip Miner Yield - 10%
Ice Harvester Duration - -12.5%
Gas Harvester Duration - -12.5%


# Procurer Current TQ new
Mass 10,000,000 20,000,000
Volume 100,000 150,000
Mid Slots 4 2
Low Slots 2 3
CPU 310 310
PG 52 90
Capacitor 800 800
Max Velocity 160 100
Agility 1.0 1.0
Shield Capacity 6,000 6,000
Armor HP 5,000 5,000
Structure HP 5,500 6,000
Drone Bandwidth 25 50
Drone Capacity 50 100
Max Target Range 30,000 60,000
Signature Radius 150 200
Magnometric Scan Strength 10 9
Ore Hold Capacity 12,000 14,000
Ice Hold - 12,000
Gas Hold - 12,000
Mining Barge Skill / Level
Ship Shield HP 5% 6%
Strip Miner Duration -2% -
Ice Harvester Duration -2% -2%
Gas Harvester Duration - -2%
Strip Miner Yield - 2%
Role Bonus
Drone Damage 50% 50%
Drone HP 50% 50%
# Hulk Current TQ new
Mass 30,000,000 15,000,000
Volume 200,000 150,000
Max Velocity 140 160
Agility 0.46 0.6
Shield Capacity 2,200 4,500
Armor HP 1,800 3,000
Structure HP 2,000 4,500
Capacitor Capacity 625 625
CPU 270 310
PG 35 110
Hi 2 2
Med 4 4
Lo 3 3
Ore Hold Capacity 8,500 10,000
Ice Hold - 10,000
Gas Hold - 10,000
Max Target Range 45,000 55,000
Max Locked Targets 7 6
Signature Radius 200 200
Magnometric Sensor Strength 12 13
Mining Barge Skill / Level
Strip Miner Range 5% +6%
Ice Harvester Range 5% +6%
Strip Miner Duration -2% -
Ice Harvester Duration -2% -3%
Strip Miner Yield - 3%
Gas Harvester Duration - -3%
Exhumers Skill / Level
Shield Resistances 4% 4%
Strip Miner Yield - 6%
Strip Miner Duration -3% -3%
Ice Harvester Duration -3% -4%
Gas Harvester Duration - -3%
Role Bonus
Strip Miner Duration -25% -15%
Strip Miner Activation Cost -25% -25%
Ice Harvester Duration -25% -30%
Ice Harvester Activation Cost -25% -25%
Gas Harvester Duration - -30%
# Mackinaw Current TQ new
Mass 20,000,000 17,500,000
Volume 150,000 150,000
CPU 270 310
PG 35 110
Capacitor 500 600
Max Velocity 90 130
Agility 0.659 0.7
Shield Capacity 3,000 5,500
Armor HP 2,300 5,000
Structure HP 2,700 5,500
Max Target Range 30,000 45,000
Signature Radius 250 200
Cargo Hold 450 450
Ore Hold 28,000 31,500
Ice Hold - 28,000
Gas Hold - 28,000
Mining Barge Skill / Level
Ship Ore Hold Capacity 5% 5%
Strip Miner Duration -2% -
Ice Harvester Duration -2% -4%
Gas Harvester Duration - -3%
Strip Miner Yield - 3%
Exhumers Skill / Level
Shield Resistances 4% 4%
Strip Miner Duration -2% -
Ice Harvester Duration -2% -
Strip Miner Yield - 4%
Gas Harvester Duration - -3%
Ore Cargo Hold Capacity - 2.5%
Role Bonus
Strip Miner Duration - -10%
Ice Harvester Duration - -12.5%
Gas Harvester Duration - -12.5%
# Skiff Current TQ new
Mass 10,000,000 20,000,000
Volume 100,000 150,000
Mid Slots 5 4
CPU 360 310
PG 58 176
Capacitor 900 900
Max Velocity 200 110
Agility 1.0 1.0
Shield Capacity 6,000 6,500
Armor HP 5,000 6,000
Structure HP 5,500 6,500
Max Target Range 35,000 67,500
Signature Radius 150 200
Ore Hold 15,000 17,000
Ice Hold - 15,000
Gas Hold - 15,000
Mining Barge Skill / Level
Ship Shield HP 5% 6%
Strip Miner Duration -2% -
Ice Harvester Duration -2% -4%
Strip Miner Yield - 2%
Exhumers Skill / Level
Shield Resistances 4% 4%
Strip Miner Duration -2% -
Ice Harvester Duration -2% -
Strip Miner Yield - 2%
Gas Harvester Duration - -3%
Role Bonus
Drone Damage 50% 50%
Drone HP 50% 50%

The graphs in the following section are calculated with the new bonuses for barges / exhumers and are still very much under evaluation.

Closing the Mining Gap

We aim to align the Rorqual and subcapital mining yield. Below you can see the profiles we are currently looking at:

image887×608 7.82 KB

image734×486 6.13 KB

image774×535 6.87 KB

image977×587 6.92 KB

image977×565 6.93 KB

Moon Mining

The proposed change of removing basic minerals from R4 moon ores is under evaluation.

Resource Distribution

No changes to the original plan except for: R4 moon resource distribution under evaluation


No changes from the original plan

Mining Modules & Drones

The below images show mining modules and drones that will be changing from their current TQ state.
Items not present will remain as is.

image image905×773 35 KB
image image1143×550 27.1 KB
image image1215×630 32.1 KB

We are also aiming to publish the Winter Update Blog next week which will give you all a further insight into what is going on for EVE.

over 3 years ago - Mike_Azariah - Direct link

Let the second threadnaught commence


over 3 years ago - Mike_Azariah - Direct link

They are listening but, as always, listen and do are two different things. I am still optimistic but then I always am that. I can tell you that the conversations between CSM and CCP have been active/lively of late.


over 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

None of the names are finalized, specifically the names of the crystals :smiley:

over 3 years ago - Suitonia - Direct link

Sounds Great :smiley:

over 3 years ago - Mike_Azariah - Direct link

I said that or slag


over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

The new skill will give a reduction to quantity consumption.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

@CCP_Swift I think someone here has access to my documents…

over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

The chart is correct.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

Yes it will be

over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

34% chance to have waste.

over 3 years ago - Kenneth_Feld - Direct link

No, I did NOT come up with type C

My contribution to the dev blog is solely limited to the skill and crystal squish (meaning skill categories)

over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

The OP has been updated to make it more clear as to what is not changing from the current state of TQ with the Orca:

“The Orca retains the 10% Drone Ore Mining Yield per level on the Industrial Command skill.”

over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

We haven’t published the new values for the mining modules, only the new waste profiles. :wink:

We plan to publish them along with the Barges/Exhumers attributes.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

The mining frigates are not being changed in this upcoming patch, with the exception of adding the new bays. There are some plans for them in the future, and we agree that they are specialized mining ships.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

Thank you all for the great discussion and feedback so far.

The OP has been updated with the following information:

  • Mining Crystals stats have been updated
  • Inserted Note: On initial release Type C crystals will not trigger a PvP timer. This will be revisited after release.
  • Attributes & Bonuses for Barges/Exhumers have been published
  • Attribute changes for mining modules and drones have been published

Disclaimer: Singularity has not been updated with the above information yet.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

Moon Mining section of the OP has been updated.

The original change to remove the rest of the basic minerals from moon ore is confirmed.
Additionally, R4 will get the following materials:

Water Oxygen Bacteria Proteins
Bitumens 83
Brimful Bitumes 96
Glistening Bitumens 166
Coesite 166
Brimful Coesite 192
Glistening Coesite 332
Sylvatite 156
Brimful Sylvatite 180
Glistening Sylvatite 312
Zeolites 208
Brimful Zeolites 240
Glisteing Zeolites 416
over 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link
  1. At the moment the proposal is to have basic minerals removed and PI materials added.

  2. Your mining crystals and crystal BPOs will be converted to the new equivalents. Likewise, any skillbook costs will be reimbursed.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

OP and development update:

All ships that had the specialized ore hold will now see a Mining Hold where all mine-able resources can be stored. The new Ore, Ice and Gas specialized holds are added to hauling ships as per the original plan.

The mining hold capacity for barges and exhumers is being update as per the following table:

Ship Old Capacity Mining Hold New Capacity
Covetor 7,000 9,000
Retriever 22,000 27,500
Procurer 12,000 16,000
Hulk 8,500 11,500
Mackinaw 28,000 31,500
Skiff 15,000 18,500

After some lengthy conversations we have decided for this release to withdraw ALL changes to Ubiquitous Moon Ores in relation to their refined materials. This means they will retain their current Pyerite and Mexallon quantities and their extraction rate will be doubled as per all other moons.

We still plan to remove all basic minerals from all moons, and we will reevaluate options during or after the compression update.

We still plan to make adjustments to PI as per our plans to reduce manufacturing costs (more on the Winter Outlook blog, coming out soon™) and we are currently considering the reduction of volume for materials of ALL PI tiers.

With December getting near, we once again want to thank for the valuable feedback.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

This sounds like a bug. Please make sure to file one.
There should be no changes for Miasmos as is on TQ.

over 3 years ago - Kenneth_Feld - Direct link

check today - I think you will find sisi was updated last night and things have changed

over 3 years ago - CCP_Delegate_Zero - Direct link

Read the module description and you’ll find out.


over 3 years ago - Kenneth_Feld - Direct link

The hull got nerfed, but look at the Indy core - that is where the bonus resides - BUT - @CCP_Psych announced tonight on TiS that he is going to up the powa a bit to give it a bit more.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

OP Updated:

  • Procurer & Skiff: Agility 0.8 (from 1.0)

Orca Industrial Command / Level bonuses:

  • Drone Ore Mining Yield: 15% (from 10%)
    -end yield/sec result with a T2 core should be ~2% higher than pre-patch.
  • Drone Ice Harvesting Cycle Time: -5% (from -2%)
    -end yield/sec result with a T2 core should be the same as pre-patch.

The above adjustments will be live in TQ within the next few days.

over 3 years ago - Kenneth_Feld - Direct link

OK, I may have said 3 hours, but that is obviously teasing - but they can do it for at least 30 minutes period

If you snuggle up to a moon rock on a 30+ day pull probably even longer

The point is a barge or exhumer on the same asteroid can go a matter of minutes before something has rto be clicked or moved except maybe a retriever/mackinaw and even then only if it doesn’t have boosts

They are essentially able to mine AFKish - there is no disputing this. period!!

over 3 years ago - CCP_Psych - Direct link

The Retriever HP issue is being fixed.

over 3 years ago - Kenneth_Feld - Direct link

The only “relevance” is the Orca is too easy to AFK mine in. You may not use it that way, but plrnty of others have riuned it for you.

AFK gameplay isn’t really eve, it is being logged in while you watch TV and glance at your computer every time there is a commercial