EVE Online

EVE Online Dev Tracker

23 Jul

Skilled Capsuleers,

The Double Boost Bundle is available again in the EVE Store[secure.eveonline.com]. Buy a Training Boost Bundle now and get the Starter Training Boost Bundle free! That's two million Skill Points and two Cerebral Accelerators to vastly speed up your skill training.

This is one of the best deals you can get on Skill Points and Cerebral Accelerators, especially as a new pilot. It will only be running until 1 August, so if you’re in need of skill points then pick up the Double Boost Bundle today!

This deal is only available through the Double Boost bundle in the EVE Store.

Training Boost Bundle
  • 1.5 Million Skill Points
  • Expert Cerebral Accelerator
Start Training Boost Bundle (Free!)
  • 500,000 S...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

22 Jul

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

21 Jul

In the past week, we have been made aware of several disturbing allegations that have taken place outside of our official channels yet, nonetheless have no place in the EVE Online experience. Some cases have directly violated our Event Code of Conduct[community.eveonline.com]. We take these allegations seriously and have already taken steps to investigate them, submitting evidence to proper authorities as appropriate.

While New Eden offers you the freedom of expression in the sandbox, we must balance in-game identity and freedom with the long-term health of the EVE player community, ensuring it is a space in which all feel welcome and safe. Any form of harassment, hate speech, intolerance, racism, or abuse taking place as outlined in the ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

20 Jul

Defiant Capsuleers,

The third volume of EVE: Capsuleer Chronicles is available now!

Return to Raravoss in the days leading up to the first attainment of Final Liminality. Explore the past & future of one Minmatar Capsuleer, dedicated to the liberation of her brothers and sisters suffering under Amarr oppression, as she combats a new invading force in the Triglavian Collective – who seek to impress their enigmatic ambitions onto the very stars she calls home.

Will long-held convictions remain immutable, or will this Capsuleer prove to evolve her perspective as she carves her immortal path among the stars? Take the plunge and find out!

Volume 3, “Resistance”, is available to read online now through a selection of sources. Check out ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Battle-ready Capsuleers,

The new Abyssal Proving Grounds season is starting with a bang, with the first round focusing on high intensity 1v1 battlecruiser combat.

In this unique round – running 23-25 July exclusively – you’ll find the arena scattered with high numbers of exploding Bonus Nexus objects. Get too close to one and you’ll detonate it, triggering a blast that applies weapon and mobility buffs to your ship... but not your rival’s. And if they blow up a Nexus object, they’ll enjoy the same gains. It’s a sure-fire way to mix up the dynamic of each battle, bringing plenty of twists of fate and dramatic finishes.

If that weren’t enough, this Proving Grounds round introduces a repeatable challenge. Deal at least 7000 damage to your opponent in a single battle, and you’ll get a 20 million ISK reward.

All ships that enter the arena will also gain double the benefits of overheating the following module groups:
  • Tackle ...
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15 Jul

Welcome back, Capsuleers!

Player meets and in-game events were all the rage in the last Community Beat[www.eveonline.com], and this week we’ve got quite the Beat in more ways than one! Sit back, strap in, and enjoy!

Liberation Day
Move over Federation Day, July is all about the Seven Tribes! This week Ushra’Khan hosted Liberation Day festivities in the system of Pator, complete with an impressive fireworks display and – in true Matar fashion – a Rifter free-for-all brawl. StineControl outlasted the competition and took the first place prize of two billion ISK. Well played!

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

14 Jul

Unbreakable Capsuleers,

Demonstrate your spirit during this year’s Liberation Day celebrations with a special Proving Grounds event, going head-to-head against one opponent in ferocious combat aboard iconic Minmatar cruisers as you burn fast and bright in a furious arena!

This event begins at 11:00 UTC on 15 July, and runs until 11:00 UTC on 18 July.

The ruleset for the event is as follows:
- Only the Stabber, Rupture, and Bellicose cruisers may enter
- A large Tachyon Cloud with a 40km radius will be located at the center of the arena, increasing velocity by 300% and decreasing inertia by 50% while within
- Bonuses from overheating Tackle, Propulsion, Repair, Resistance, and Energy Warfare modules, as well as all Turrets and Launchers are doubled
- Shield Rechargers/Power Relays/Flux Coils/Boost Amplifiers, Core Defense Field Purger rigs, Sensor Dampeners, and Weapon Disruptors cannot be fitted
- A maximum of one local shiel... Read more

13 Jul

Defiant Capsuleers,

The third volume of EVE: Capsuleer Chronicles is available now!

Return to Raravoss in the days leading up to the first attainment of Final Liminality. Explore the past & future of one Minmatar Capsuleer, dedicated to the liberation of her brothers and sisters suffering under Amarr oppression, as she combats a new invading force in the Triglavian Collective – who seek to impress their enigmatic ambitions onto the very stars she calls home.

Will long-held convictions remain immutable, or will this Capsuleer prove to evolve her perspective as she carves her immortal path among the stars? Take the plunge and find out!

Volume 3, “Resistance”, is available to read online now through a selection of sources. Check out The Capsuleer Chronicles’ official site[... Read more
Build-loving Capsuleers,

Since the Star Citizen community challenged us to a LEGO build off a lot has happened. The Battle of the Bricks event has seen LEGO master builders and newcomers alike recreate classic ships from EVE Online and Star Citizen, with each community keen to prove they are the best when it comes to reimagining spacecraft in the iconic bricks.

The submissions from both communities have been incredible and varied, from the playfully minimal to the mind-blowingly ambitious, via the likes of fascinating LEGO Technic builds.

With all the submissions in as digital renders, now comes the fun part. The best LEGO builds sent in will now be built in LEGO live on a special stream that will bri... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

12 Jul

Greetings, Capsuleers!

It’s been a while since our last update on the efforts of the Security team in their battle against Real Money Trading (RMT), botting, account hacking, and fraud – so without further ado, let’s jump right into this comprehensive overview and update on EVE’s security!

Who is Team Security? First, we’d like to cover who exactly is on the team, and what each member does. In the past year there have been both leavers and joiners, with the current team comprising:
  • CCP Grimmi and CCP Stinger, two full time security analysts whose existence is dedicated to hunting down bot farms and credit card fraudsters.
  • Senior GM Aisling and Senior GM Huginn, who focus on anti-RMT (ISK or Item selling/buying) and account security.
  • A team of programmers who work on bot detection software tools while also sharing their time across other Customer Support projects.
Team S... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

07 Jul

Defiant Capsuleers,

Celebrate the freedom of the Seven Tribes of Matar during this year’s Liberation Day festivities from 7 – 19 July, with the return of the Liberation Games! Participate in the reenactments of battles from the Great Rebellion, follow a trail of historical events from Minmatar history, enjoy parade sites, get seasonal rewards, join a new Mining Blitz, and more!

This year marks the 144th anniversary of the Great Rebellion[universe.eveonline.com], when the Minmatar people united as one to break free from more than 900 years of oppression and slavery under the Amarr, rising up to forge their own destiny among the stars of New Eden.

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

05 Jul

Curious Capsuleers,

A packed summer schedule awaits you in EVE Online as the Summer of Streams begins! From now through until September there will be plenty of new official streams, dev blogs, and Q&A’s for you to get stuck into!

Dozens of CCP devs will be doing deep dives into all sorts of topics from Photon UI to updates from Team Security and the state of Factional Warfare. You’ll find those dev blogs here on EVE News[www.eveonline.com] and the streams over on CCPTV[twitch.tv] . You can also follow us on ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.